Which comments by Tell Me No Lies were best answers in Ask MetaFilter from 2012-01-01 through now?

2023-12-24How can I feel less judgemental about the enjoyment of reality TV?
2023-12-18You're single and you have a dog. How do you make that work?
2023-12-16Help me get better at allowing myself to let people down
2023-12-02HDD or SSD?
2023-11-21"Help a storyteller/very conceptual person get a little better at ""tl;dr"""
2023-11-09What do I say to my friend who's likely dying?
2023-11-04Parental Controls.... but for grown ups.
2023-11-04Parental Controls.... but for grown ups.
2023-11-03What even is reality?
2023-11-01more job search etiquette
2023-10-11"When a presenter says ""I can't hear you!"" what is it for?"
2023-09-19What does this mean?
2023-09-09Identify this font help
2023-08-19Infra-struct Me
2023-08-19Given the direction of AI, does it make sense to learn basic coding?
2023-08-16Teen travel with non-parent adult
2023-08-16Help me be brave
2023-08-16Help me be brave
2023-08-13The Great Depresh
2023-08-11Did I handle this interaction with an unstable individual correctly?
2023-08-02What book was this: time traveling monk edition
2023-07-29Some Poison Ivy 101 Questions
2023-07-22Self-management: avoiding self-absorption
2023-07-18When being caught in the wrong causes rage
2023-06-27Short fiction and poetry to pair with King Lear
2023-06-26Help me unpick what is happening here.
2023-06-15Introverted? Or socially anxious?
2023-06-11Can a portable air conditioner be disassembled for thorough cleaning?
2023-06-07Solo living + interdependence
2023-06-07Is it a chair, a seat, or something else?
2023-04-09Do people bother to check if the hyperlink matches the url?
2023-04-06Do people bother to check if the hyperlink matches the url?
2023-02-14How do you find out the time zone an email was received/sent?
2023-02-14How do you find out the time zone an email was received/sent?
2023-02-14How do you find out the time zone an email was received/sent?
2023-02-10I need to end this thing, right?
2023-02-10Witness Deposition 101: What are the rules?
2023-02-09Was I gaslit? Bothered by an interaction with a friend.
2023-02-05Where would you take a foreign exchange student on spring break?
2023-01-25Questions about bipolar
2022-11-19Help me get some perspective on a fulfilling life with/without children
2022-10-04Dealing with mental fatigue throughout the week
2022-10-03Something like twitter but easier on my blood pressure
2022-09-05"""The Earth Isn't Flat"" and other tales of woe - how can I keep my peace?"
2022-08-11how do i deal with not having a best friend, or even close friends?
2022-08-07Stretching wifi to cabin office
2022-08-06Help Us Help Our Foster Kid Adult
2022-07-22Promotion without the promotion?
2022-07-15What makes it good, makes it bad
2022-07-15Canceling trip: Need support
2022-07-14From DINKS to SINKS
2022-07-14From DINKS to SINKS
2022-06-19Taking care of someone that is being terrible to the caretaker
2022-06-14Help talk me down from Background Check Anxiety
2022-05-16How to get a URL of a search result from a website?
2022-05-13how do I stop thinking that everyone is better than me?
2022-05-07How should I go about making a difficult and expensive decision?
2022-05-05How to ask roommate to leave?
2022-05-05nightmares ruining my day
2022-05-05How to ask roommate to leave?
2022-05-05How do I detach this curtain rod??
2022-04-24International relationship, visa, money and red flags
2022-04-18What media hit you differently the second time around?
2022-04-17What media hit you differently the second time around?
2022-04-01Resources for overcoming overprotective parenting in adulthood?
2022-03-07When setting goals sets you up for failure
2022-01-20"""Necessary if Sufficient"" !?"
2022-01-07Picking up the slack
2021-12-28Capital gains tax home sale exclusion: Contingent on buying new home?
2021-12-27Dealing with the “We’re all going to get Covid” crowd?
2021-09-25Script to explain not visiting with unvaxxed relatives
2020-08-07Not Losing all my Retirement Investment
2020-08-04Is it possible to stay socially distant at the Grand Canyon
2020-08-02Helped friend A help his friend B, then B paid me unexpectedly
2020-08-01What was up with this dude at Starbucks?
2020-07-31South Island New Zealand: obscure things to do?
2020-07-24Tell me about poison ivy rashes
2020-07-23how to hide or move the thumbnail sidebar in PDF files on iPad
2020-07-23how to hide or move the thumbnail sidebar in PDF files on iPad
2020-07-22guilt over not wanting job
2020-07-11What's wrong with my car, remote version
2020-07-06Like the dog and the duck and the grain, except the duck is my kid
2020-07-06All [...] things must come to an end. How to deal with change?
2020-06-28How do I ask my partner about his use of Grindr? Any tips?
2020-06-26Abusive/addict :..sit down talk...am I being unrealistic?
2020-06-20Teach me to convalesce!
2020-06-19Question about QAnon
2020-06-18Should I stay in a vacation house during a time of covid uncertainty?
2020-06-13harassment aftermath
2020-06-12How to stop ruminating on points not made?
2020-06-07Tracking our food with a (digital?) diary
2020-06-07Tracking our food with a (digital?) diary
2020-05-31Give me back my name
2020-05-29What is this light bulb?
2020-05-28How do I reconcile this?
2020-05-18Are these good reasons to move back abroad?
2020-05-16What, what, what
2020-05-15We don't see eye to eye, or hear ear to ear
2020-05-14We don't see eye to eye, or hear ear to ear
2020-04-21Can I just do nothing?
2020-04-21Thank you to thesis committee
2020-04-15Why would this FB post be so much more popular than others?
2020-04-14Where to start with Gene Wolfe?
2020-04-13Unconventional travel on YouTube
2020-04-10"iPhone on wifi: browser works, Mail says ""No Internet Connection."" Wut?"
2020-04-05Should I sell my twitter account for $100k?
2020-03-30Forced recruitment of medical personel
2020-03-28Covid-19, Craigslist and NextDoor
2020-03-25Dollar-to-Peso Effects
2020-03-25Dollar-to-Peso Effects
2020-03-25Funny and/or inspirational quotes for electronic marquee
2020-03-25Funny and/or inspirational quotes for electronic marquee
2020-03-23How to gracefully resign from a job when the boss is self-quarantined?
2020-03-22Because of covid19, is it safe that our cleaning help work at our home?
2020-03-16Zoom Shrink
2020-03-09Rush wasn't there
2020-03-05Life is short
2020-03-05Know of any blogs or books about families who move away from the US?
2020-03-04Looking for learning resources on self-development...
2020-02-26What personal preparations are reasonable for coronavirus?
2020-02-26What personal preparations are reasonable for coronavirus?
2020-02-25What personal preparations are reasonable for coronavirus?
2020-02-23so is the choice total demoralization or collapse under weight of filth?
2020-02-21SSRI Weight Gain
2020-02-19eBay question, about a bid which included a message
2020-02-16Embezzling co-owner trying to kick partner out of business, help!
2020-02-14I am nearly always nauseous. Help.
2020-02-04How to write an .rtf to XML/HTML conversion tool
2020-02-03You Have Social Anxiety. Help me help you.
2020-01-25What to do with a button box
2020-01-25What to do with a button box
2020-01-20Need a mantra for a new decade
2020-01-16"Are ""sensitive"" and ""trying to be accurate"" adjacent?"
2020-01-05Emergency Refill of Prescription Prozac in Puerto Rico?
2019-12-31Should I give money to children who are begging in Beirut?
2019-12-13Purpose of short sidewalks in front of businesses
2019-12-12Safety of WIFI in Assisted Living
2019-12-12Safety of WIFI in Assisted Living
2019-12-02identify this trope
2019-11-28Help me name this video game from the late 80s-early 90s.
2019-11-25Why don’t people like it when I gain self confidence?
2019-11-18"Etiquette/Manners Filter: Go-To Quip for vendor ""I don't work here"" ?"
2019-11-16Google is worthless without knowing the names of stuff
2019-11-13Not being the smartest one creates self-hate
2019-10-31Angry outbursts - can you help?
2019-10-27What is pride?
2019-10-22"Gift for the woman who has every ""thing"" she wants"
2019-10-16Security tag still on after I bought backpack
2019-10-13Coping with megacrunch
2019-10-06Too-soft mattress help
2019-09-10Slight personality changes in the past 3 years
2019-08-30Let sleeping dogs lie?
2019-08-25Is lying ever forgiveable?
2019-08-24Is it ok for me to make a request of a local charity that I worked for?
2019-07-29What can I buy that will improve my life?
2019-07-26How can I briefly stall on an offer? I'm working with recruiters.
2019-07-24How to enjoy myself with someone new?
2019-07-20Best way to do Death Valley at Thanksgiving?
2019-07-01what is he trying to say?
2019-01-24Going to California
2018-11-25First hand accounts of mid-life crises - after the fact
2018-11-05What helped you directly face a fear?
2018-10-26Consolation prize for real estate agent?
2018-10-26tfw your sounding board is the topic of your askme
2018-10-08In this situation, who was insensitive? (NSFW situation ahead)
2018-10-01Tips for managing anxiety related to compliments
2018-09-30Do you think should I leave my mom's side of the family?
2018-09-11Please help me find a meditation practice that works for me
2018-09-10Roach drama
2018-09-08Why does Papillion, the movie, stop being shown after two weeks?
2018-09-05How to deal with a suffocating mother?
2018-09-05all-out without burnout
2018-09-05When Your Adult Kid Won't Get Mental Health Services
2018-07-02Help Me Get Some Perspective
2017-11-06Movies with long, realistic scenes of psychoanalysis?
2015-03-19Can I just make my web browser just show up on the TV screen?
2014-04-15I have no idea if I am this dude's friend, date, or source of intrigue
2012-09-04I'm so meta that my brain don't fit
2012-07-27Help me craft a nicely worded invitation for a party!
2012-07-27I'm having trouble connecting the dots.
2012-07-26Sci-fi about ancient aliens/technolgy for a 14-year-old?
2012-01-05When isn't it acceptable anymore?
2012-01-03taking labels off of paper