Which comments by stellaluna were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2017?

2017-11-27Budget-friendly collective gifts for family members?
2017-10-17HBO via Amazon
2017-10-12Another question about simplifying
2017-10-06When your workout buddy wets the bed
2017-09-24How can I help my depressed friend? CAN I help him?
2017-09-20Best remedies to avoid getting sick?
2017-09-07What are some examples of flexibility and lateral thinking?
2017-09-05Bae hasn't caught me slippin...
2017-08-08Please help me figure out why my dog is so itchy?
2017-07-28Food bill out of control!!
2017-07-28Benefits of living in small spaces?
2017-07-21My love language is quality time - his may not be/not a planner. Help!
2017-07-18AskMe, will you be my shopping buddy?
2017-06-15Dealing with job performance anxiety (in STEM, if it matters)
2017-06-15Help me dress my tall, curvy body (work edition)!
2017-04-14In need of a book to be obsessed with
2017-02-28How do I deal with wanting to help, but feeling like I'm losing my life.
2017-02-01Our huddled messes yearn to be free