Which comments by purple_bird were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-10-20Having an endoscopy tomorrow, pretty anxious. What is it really like?
2022-10-11Best way to absorb water
2022-10-04Dealing with mental fatigue throughout the week
2022-09-22loud snoring spouse + light sleeping child - hotel room ideas?
2022-09-22Building a Professional Network in a New City
2022-09-15Rx meds for hot flashes
2022-07-28"""Escort"" required for my upcoming endoscopy."
2022-05-16What is this grass watering tool, and how can I purchase another one?
2022-05-16What is this grass watering tool, and how can I purchase another one?
2022-05-03Why am I so gassy and why do I have yellow poop??
2022-04-27tough luck, tough cabbage
2022-02-23How to destroy Lycra
2022-02-11What are the best videos of people getting hit in the nuts?
2022-02-02I don't WANT to smell like a cough drop