Which comments by mumimor were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2021?

2021-12-31Cuisine ideas for non-overlapping food restrictions?
2021-12-13Cozy wood stove cooking
2021-11-26Hock lock in stock! Toxic?
2021-11-16Dinner ideas needed
2021-11-16What’s different about Denmark?
2021-11-15Dinner ideas needed
2021-11-13Best rutabaga/turnip recipes?
2021-11-08Help! Last-minute dinner date recipe - limited time and ingredients
2021-09-20Cheapest way to send candy from Denmark to the US?
2021-07-05Risk analysis for Spring 2022
2021-07-01Can you pasta sauce please?
2021-07-01Removal of scalp cysts
2021-06-25Nutmeg novice needs nutritional (k)nowledge
2021-06-16Kitchen organization... help
2021-06-12All your favorite no-cook, minimal-refrigeration meals
2021-06-09getting help for someone in Denmark
2021-06-04Home Renovation 101
2021-05-24Oh boy, no soy
2021-05-17Tips for welcoming a 3x runaway teen nephew into our home?
2021-05-10What can I do with a bag of very expensive very bad biscotti?
2021-04-22What strange things has your dog eaten?
2021-04-21What strange things has your dog eaten?
2021-04-21What strange things has your dog eaten?
2021-04-16What should I cook in my giant new pan?
2021-03-09design blogs for schlubs
2021-03-08Stacking dishes for an eventual small crowd
2021-02-23Workshop my dining room design
2021-02-01Onion-free substitute for cream soups in casseroles
2021-01-16Ground Meat Treats
2021-01-03Can I eat this? Room temperature pork edition