Which comments by lulu68 were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-23Donating used duvets/doonas/comforters/whatever
2023-11-28Lighten up my Christmas dinner
2023-11-10A valuable book club book
2023-09-28What was this movie about a humanoid mud monster on an island?
2023-09-17Instant pot recipe for Tasty Bites Madras Lentils?
2023-07-17"""In the evening while watching TV, I like to sip a nice glass of ______"""
2023-07-11Boundaries for everyone! Even you, dad
2023-04-28Is there a way to even out my hair color as I grow in the gray?
2023-04-21"Updated version of ""Omnivore's Dilemma""?"
2023-03-29What are your favorite beginner resources for exploratory data analysis?
2023-03-28Dislocated finger
2023-03-19How to find a tear-down property to briefly rent, not buy
2023-02-17How do I make a cake when my resources are depleted?
2023-01-28Sydney for beginners
2023-01-09Do you read the reference list in academic journals?