Which comments by bunderful were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-27How can I help my friend come out to play with baby around?
2013-12-10Can my parents bring me a Persian rug from Iran?
2013-11-28I would prefer not to spend time with my friend when she is very stoned
2013-11-15Really want to call this guy...but not sure if for friendship or dating.
2013-10-16Can raw garlic cure my stomach ulcer and remove H. pylori?
2013-08-08Proofreadingfilter - how to mark up web pages?
2013-07-21Fresh homegrown tomatoes + ? = _____
2013-07-03What's the best way to shut down Westboro Baptist Church?
2013-06-24Help me find more personal anthems
2013-05-25Getting Over A Craptastic Relationship
2013-05-25How can I deal with unrequited love with this friend?
2013-05-21Oh no...I'm boring!
2013-05-12Friend who makes other uncomfortable: to mention it or no?
2013-05-01Is this a scam? What's the angle here?
2013-04-30"""So long""/""Farewell""/""Goodbye"" songs?"
2013-04-23Queens, NYC restaurant recs--Friday lunch to celebrate law school grad
2013-04-22What are some YA novels with feminist antagonists?
2013-03-31OKC's Kiss/Kill/Marry
2013-03-28What kind of belt to wear?
2013-03-28How do I organize my life and surroundings
2013-03-26Hospital food help
2013-03-15Help me write my sign
2013-03-04Music teaching with rebellious children
2013-02-27Talking: How does it work?
2013-02-19Is There Ever A Chance After You're Rejected?
2013-02-18I am not a snob!
2013-02-15"Help Me Reduce Friendship ""Churn"""
2013-02-14Dammit, I freaking need to start cooking some stupid low carb recipes.
2013-01-19How to make my voice sound DEEEEEP?
2013-01-19Double Day: Gifts for a teenager?