Which comments by theora55 were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-30Suggestions for online (Mac) computing tutorials
2013-12-27How can I help my friend come out to play with baby around?
2013-12-11Finally meeting in real life; the disappointment will be palpable
2013-12-10So apparently my family is publicly bragging about our child abuse now?
2013-12-07This turkey noodle soup is kind of... sweet.
2013-12-07My, what big eyes you have
2013-12-07How do you cope with an utterly draining person who you can't avoid?
2013-12-03A Job Offer with a Fee?
2013-12-02Need to upgrade my Christmas CD collection. Recommend your favorite!
2013-11-27How do you all deal with death?
2013-11-21Is endless crying during therapy really a good thing?
2013-11-21Help me stay the cool aunt: lemonade-version....
2013-11-20"The best-case ""two cats and a baby"" scenario?"
2013-11-16Advent Calendar Ideas Needed for Geeky Adult Male.
2013-11-16Not disciplining 7-y.o. boy for publicly battering younger girl - WTF?
2013-11-10Where to look for an economist who might want to help write a book?
2013-10-22First world problem: my well paying job is boring. Should I keep it?
2013-10-03Medieval scholarly costume on the cheap.
2013-09-24How should I present this gift?
2013-09-23Need ideas for spaghetti squash as a side dish.
2013-09-18I need fun snail mail sent to my young kids.
2013-09-16Vegetable soup without immersion blender?
2013-09-16A body therapist for the mind
2013-09-11hot weather vegetarian dishes: go.
2013-09-11When do I disclose which embarrassing/awkward sexual history fact?
2013-08-30I am making a post-apocalypse map for my friend. Critical elements?
2013-08-27On the boulevard of broken china
2013-08-27Should I Sign an Informal Child Custody Agreement?
2013-08-18What's your best tip for Burning Man?
2013-08-18With a boulder in my basement, I'm feelin' kinda older
2013-08-11How can I break the habits I developed while I was depressed?
2013-08-10After a flood caused by fire hoses, what can be kept? What can't?
2013-08-04Salary discrimination. Looking for advice to help a coworker negotiate.
2013-07-28how to clean the leather seats in my toyota highlander
2013-07-27How do we deal with a possible flea problem?
2013-07-15Thanks, Dad!
2013-07-13Cat friendly couch (for easy urine cleanup)
2013-07-12Neighbors burning despite being asked not to
2013-07-02A Scandinavian Wedding?
2013-07-01Everything I need to know about doing an art fair booth?
2013-06-30Can I use this bike as furniture?!
2013-06-29Coworker is not taking constructive criticism well
2013-06-28HVAC hacks for a VERY large space?
2013-06-27Old storm window lock.. what is this called?
2013-06-27Vegan cooling: Mirrors on the roof?
2013-06-27It looks nice, but....
2013-06-21Mushy summer foods?
2013-06-21Please live in my house.
2013-06-07Don't you DARE ask me if he's teething
2013-06-03Vegan campfood for the carnivore at heart
2013-06-01Sticker residue on my French Dressmaker's form...
2013-05-31Heart advice for difficult times?
2013-05-30Finding Tenants Who Aren't Serial Killers
2013-05-28What reason for buying a car at less than market value?
2013-05-28It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
2013-05-28Mug shot needed
2013-05-26Outdoor lights got wet -- now what?
2013-05-20Car roof rack uses
2013-05-17Just started anxiety medication, having severe anxiety attacks
2013-05-14i lost the landlord's copy of the keys
2013-05-09Ask not what your book club can do for you...
2013-05-09Temp expectations - management-types, can you give me some insight?
2013-05-04My Cooker Wants To Kill Me
2013-04-22 The method behind the madness
2013-04-17Interesting, intelligent, cultural, or culinary activities in NYC
2013-04-17Cover letter ideas, please
2013-04-10What are some good novels where the protagonist is in his/her mid-20s?
2013-04-10Tell me about teacher stereotypes
2013-03-23Is it ever okay to cut off a parent?
2013-03-11What should I do about gossiping and emotionally abusive friends?
2013-02-10Dog Ownership 101
2013-02-10Feeling like a cog in a wheel...
2013-02-10I've made a huge mistake.
2013-02-10Fiction help: Name something a math genius could do to improve a bar.
2013-02-06How can I thank parents for doing a fantastic job?
2013-02-02When the DSM-5 comes out, are you automatically given a new diagnosis?
2013-02-01How can I support Mom through Dad's failing mental health?
2013-02-01I'm renting a van and moving myself. Tips, advice?
2013-01-30How do real grownups host small professional-ish dinner parties?
2013-01-29Items to have for power outages
2013-01-28Fire in oven element - can I still use burners?
2013-01-25Give me ammo for the next sexist conversation
2013-01-18Is $3.79 Ok For Heating Oil?
2013-01-05Atypical carpet pitfalls?