Which comments by Sidhedevil were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-10-08Estimating the value of charitable donations
2013-10-06Was I sexually violated?
2013-10-05Just got engaged. Problem, I still think about the one that got away.
2013-09-29Please help me find this brand of jeans again. [Korean jeans filter]
2013-03-27Give me some lip
2013-03-10"Grammar Filter: [He is a ""black"" man] or [He is a black man]"
2013-03-10Who to use as a reference for a temp job?
2013-03-07Curly hair ideas
2013-03-06"The Drama of ""The Drama of the Gifted Child"""
2013-03-04Voluptuous in all the wrong places : swimsuit edition
2013-02-28Where to start: Kingsley Amis and Alan Bennett
2013-02-28Tell us about cornbread
2013-02-28Fabulous Shoes for an Interview?
2013-02-25Clothing recommendations for -16C Toronto
2013-02-25Clothing recommendations for -16C Toronto
2013-02-24How do you occupy your time with a migraine?
2013-02-24Moving on from a relationship when you can't do No Contact
2013-02-23I think i need to talk to my boyfriend about his drinking - help me
2013-02-23How do I replicate Spanish cafe con leche at a US cafe?
2013-02-17How to get pregnant at 38 with a sterile partner?
2013-02-16Give me songs that count
2013-02-14Dammit, I freaking need to start cooking some stupid low carb recipes.
2013-02-14Dammit, I freaking need to start cooking some stupid low carb recipes.
2013-02-14Dammit, I freaking need to start cooking some stupid low carb recipes.
2013-02-08It's not their fault they think that way, right..?
2013-01-29Crockpot on High with a tea towel under it?
2013-01-29Help me Froth my Almond Milk!
2013-01-27OMG babies are kind of boring
2013-01-25Help me understand a particular mental illness
2013-01-22Ça me manque depuis 15 ans
2013-01-22Ça me manque depuis 15 ans
2013-01-19PLS assuage my guilt about refusing to beat my head on a cold shoulde
2013-01-18Which play should I see?
2013-01-18Voice and words don't match
2013-01-15Birthday present for a special-snowflake 8-year-old
2013-01-13Why does it bother me when people try new things?
2013-01-10Wide Ribbed 100% Cotton Underwear that Stretched to the Moon