Which comments by These Birds of a Feather were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-12Surprise ball for a teenager?
2013-11-27Dealing with the company holiday party
2013-11-26Has your childhood bully ever apologized to you?
2013-11-18I've been going in circles about this for a while
2013-11-14Zap! Pow! Wizards grow up!
2013-11-09New apartment: must-haves for day 1 and week 1
2013-10-28I feel unappreciated - how to deal?
2013-10-18My daughter is allergic to my fiancee's dog. Now what?
2013-10-16Recommend fiction featuring the decline of a global superpower, please!
2013-10-15What pre-interview questions can I use to effectively screen jobseekers?
2013-10-13What to do about a friend who is becoming a hater?
2013-10-06How do I get over a co-worker I have a crush on?
2013-09-26Do I need to take my recently-acquired formerly-stray cat to the vet?
2013-09-16Looking for a nonviolent, relaxing, top-down building game with a plot
2013-09-08New Teacher's Aide Feeling Overwhelmed -- Is this normal???
2013-08-18That didn't go how I planned
2013-08-16How do I become more direct with my communication?
2013-08-13How to keep moving forward from abusive relationship
2013-07-21Nudging the S.O. toward the Pro-Social
2013-07-09How to prevent or deal with grass allergies
2013-07-08Nursing someone after oral surgery: how to not screw it up edition
2013-07-02How can I get rid of this iCal error message?
2013-06-30How do extroverts deal with unexpected alone time?
2013-06-20hyphens vs. en dashes
2013-06-17How do I avoid becoming like my parents re: treatment of kids?
2013-06-05How can I be more consistent with children?
2013-05-29Help me find the best love quotes from Broadway musicals
2013-05-29Advice for going to the hairdresser
2013-05-23Nice (girls) finish last
2013-05-19Set the bar...at what height exactly?
2013-05-12Friend who makes other uncomfortable: to mention it or no?
2013-05-01Is it worth getting into political arguments on Facebook?
2013-04-20Is there something better than plastic wrap for the back of an iPad?
2013-04-16How to stop spammers when they have your info
2013-04-11What are the main reasons ancient cultures erected monuments?
2013-04-09Creative jobs outside of education, possibly finance/math-related?
2013-04-06How do I give my dog the life she needs?
2013-04-05What are examples and definition of boyish behavior in an adult male?
2013-03-28The febreze is suffocating me...
2013-03-26Exclamations of fear
2013-03-24Seeking book suggestions to read aloud to a 3 year old
2013-03-18Photo-a-Day website to a book?
2013-03-13I'm not the smartest guy in the room, how do I accept that?
2013-03-12Thanks for all your hard work, please go away now.
2013-03-11What we have here is a failure to communicate.
2013-03-10Playing an iPhone Voice Memo over the phone?
2013-03-07How do I make this odd romantic getaway a success?
2013-02-10I will not render unto Caesar
2013-02-06The princess who kicked ass and took names
2013-02-04Asked Out A Friend. Rejected. Now What?
2013-01-27A Model AskMetafilter Post
2013-01-22Would you recommend the Ipad Mini ?
2013-01-09How much contact is appropriate after a break-up?
2013-01-06Bad semester, discouraging. How to bounce back?
2013-01-02Guy friend being confusing
2013-01-01How would you tell someone else to pronounce this phrase?