Which comments by quince were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-23How to serve homemade noodles with a rib roast?
2013-12-17Packing light
2013-12-16Unexpected TEENAGE guest for the holidays?
2013-12-14The most amazing tomato soup recipe I can't find
2013-12-12Can I eat this? Expired treacle in Christmas pudding
2013-12-10So apparently my family is publicly bragging about our child abuse now?
2013-12-10Help me stick to a healthy diet while on holiday
2013-12-02The best way to handle a car accident insurance claim against my policy?
2013-12-02Which e-cigarette is best for my sister?
2013-11-23To DHA or not DHA when pregnant?
2013-11-22Doctor my eyes have seen the tears
2013-11-05How long should my teeth be sensitive after a cavity?
2013-11-01What is this heater, and how much could I expect it to cost me?
2013-10-29My partner has a child, he's feuding with the mother, I can't handle it
2013-10-27I need to update my hair care regimen
2013-10-23Clothing-related skin irritation
2013-09-29When to give up
2013-09-28What's a reasonable moving timeline for the SF Bay Area?
2013-09-28Pants have always been a problem for me.
2013-09-26Passport Woes
2013-09-20Post or crown or something else?
2013-09-11What is the pharmacist responsibility regarding drug interaction?
2013-08-0530's hair cut for a modern gal?
2013-08-04A good dental scrubbing
2013-08-04Best stores for zines in San Francisco
2013-08-01US passport woes
2013-08-01Mefites, especially New Yorkers, can I support myself in New York?
2013-07-24Help me get wonderful food to our guests.
2013-07-10http://www.esquire.com/features/drinking/​ scotch-pronunciation-guide-5836
2013-05-30Avoiding and managing hair breakage
2013-04-26Non-terrible hats for women
2013-04-04Please give me free gardening advice
2013-04-02I sew and I translate. What do I call my business(es)?
2013-04-01Help settle a debate about a friend who ALWAYS flakes.
2013-03-26I think I may have to have a serious talk with my frie
2013-03-16I want to stink good
2013-03-14We was robbed.
2013-03-13I'll just start sleeping with my shotgun then...
2013-02-23Is reduction of rent warranted in this situation? If yes, how to proceed
2013-01-22Would you recommend the Ipad Mini ?