Which comments by Ghostride The Whip were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-30How do you keep your head when it starts to fly off the handle?
2013-12-19The science of depression
2013-12-16Chapter One: The End.
2013-12-08Seinfeld Trivia for All
2013-11-06"""Fake it till you make it,"" but how, exactly?"
2013-10-28I feel unappreciated - how to deal?
2013-10-28"Ideas for an inexpensive and simple ""bed"" ?"
2013-10-17Party games suck, right?
2013-10-14Do you feel like swimming?
2013-10-13Help, I suffer from chronic bitchface
2013-09-23may his passing cleanse the world
2013-09-06How do same sex couples get married in the US?
2013-08-26Should I just google this?
2013-08-23Watch your step.
2013-07-12Who agrees with Rommel?
2013-07-10Burning down the house
2013-07-04F'in international areas, how do they work?
2013-05-29Help me write fiction, Obi-Wan Kenobi
2013-05-27It was a demon, right?
2013-05-10Long vs. short distance running - in need of guidance on what's next
2013-05-06What should I look for in a Public Relations/Communications program?
2013-04-29Visitors to L.A: Was traffic better or worse than you expected?
2013-04-14How can I learn to not be so reactive?
2013-04-07Help us decide whether to move across the country for the job
2013-04-01What unique/unusual/fun activities in SF do I not yet know about?
2013-03-25How do I organize my life and surroundings
2013-03-22Is it ever okay to cut off a parent?
2013-02-28is Writer's Market dot com worth the subscription cost?
2013-02-27How can I achieve a state of creative flow as a writer?
2013-02-12Moving from a small office to a very, very big one. Tips?
2013-02-09Fiction help: Name something a math genius could do to improve a bar.
2013-01-11Moving overseas - what not to jettison?
2013-01-09Examples of cliched business speak in the US?
2013-01-09Resources for improving communication skills
2013-01-06Rural Living Along The Border