Which comments by snorkmaiden were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-12How to have a life long close relationship with your kids ?
2013-12-11Finally meeting in real life; the disappointment will be palpable
2013-12-06Big Apple Juice: where's a good French cider selection in NYC?
2013-12-06How to get books in classroom quantities for cheap?
2013-11-15"Do doctors actually tell their patients they ""cannot have children""?"
2013-11-13A Broad, Abroad, Alone
2013-11-09A very Canadian question.
2013-10-29What does it mean to have a gender?
2013-10-16Weird & Wonderful Excellent Esoteric Nightmare Narratives
2013-10-07Integrative oncology? Does that mean it involves calculus?
2013-09-25Help me enjoy my visit to Vancouver and source good local eats.
2013-09-24Why are you showering at 3am?
2013-09-17What, me 40? I swear I was 27 yesterday!
2013-09-04IVF pregnancy - is induction at 40 weeks necessary ?
2013-08-29What should I name my business?
2013-08-15Help a struggling freelance metallurgist/jeweler
2013-08-04Looking for the best in non-repetitive non-fiction
2013-07-25Books or movies like Dark Souls?
2013-05-26Should I switch doctors because his assistant makes me uncomfortable?
2013-05-23Recommend me unexpectedly compelling interviews
2013-04-18trying to patch together a career.
2013-03-27I don't judge. No, really.
2013-03-04Help me stop freaking out about being too old to have babies.
2013-02-12How to increase reading fluency?
2013-01-30Can you convince me that chiropractors are real science?
2013-01-29Looking for new SF books hiding in the general fiction section
2013-01-20Career ideas for a bright teen with a physical disability?