Which comments by jrobin276 were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-25Best practices for hiring a nanny?
2013-12-21Help convince me that alcohol isn't terrible!
2013-12-16Beyond rubber duckies: must-haves for the best baths
2013-12-10SF weekend = super fun weekend?
2013-12-07Taking care of 2 babies without someone's head exploding?
2013-12-02I'd actually like a little LESS variety in life, thank you very much.
2013-12-01Help me miss my Dad
2013-11-28How do you all deal with death?
2013-11-16A is for Autopsy
2013-11-12Helping a partner through life changes
2013-11-08How do I deal now?
2013-10-24How to not live in the suburbs.
2013-10-14I need to make a clean break. I'm ruining my health for this job I hate.
2013-10-11And that desk area will be a squat rack?
2013-10-08Feasible to live in Morocco for a year?
2013-09-30What chocolate brand do you recommend, hopefully available online?
2013-09-26What was it like to be in college on 9/11/2001?
2013-09-26What was it like to be in college on 9/11/2001?
2013-09-24Best free budgeting software or tool? Australia edition
2013-09-21"Melasma: Just how common is ""common?"""
2013-06-22Cats are weird... wet food edition
2013-06-05Best practices for eating organic, minus the bugs
2013-05-06Jobless, rudderless and miserable post-graduation.
2013-04-27What's missing on our trip to San Francisco?
2013-04-07How likely is it really for a woman in her late 20s to be infertile?
2013-04-02Bedbugs, roaches, deep paralyzing renter's remorse. Oh my.
2013-03-11These peanut butter T-rexes are underwhelming.
2013-02-13Does Perth have a Compton?
2013-01-18900 people, get off my lawn
2013-01-15Teach myself Math virtually for the first time.