Which comments by essexjan were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-11-25Where everything's decked up and the plots don't matter
2023-09-09What can I do about my nail that keeps cracking?
2023-09-01Help My Cats Stay Hydrated - Fountain Replacement Parts
2023-07-26I Get My Kicks Anywhere That I Can?
2023-06-13Are electric toothbrushes good for receding gums?
2023-05-21Are there self-adhesive motion sensor hallway lights that actually work?
2023-05-09Can you help me identify this 1940s French village?
2023-05-09Can you help me identify this 1940s French village?
2023-04-15Possibly sprained my ankle today, advice wanted.
2023-03-19Quick stir fry idea: soup base?
2023-03-06Vegan recipes that are… inherently vegan?
2023-03-06Vegan recipes that are… inherently vegan?
2023-03-06Options for eBay no-show package
2023-02-21Economic conditions that gave rise to the UK punk movement
2023-02-21Economic conditions that gave rise to the UK punk movement
2023-02-20Please help me find a low stress, low pay job