Which comments by windykites were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-14Making a tealight/teracotta pot heater more efficient
2013-12-11So apparently my family is publicly bragging about our child abuse now?
2013-12-03Daily Failures In Hydration
2013-11-19How does a white girl learn to do black girl hair?
2013-11-15Massage Therapists Help Me NOT Be That Client
2013-11-15Massage Therapists Help Me NOT Be That Client
2013-11-15Massage Therapists Help Me NOT Be That Client
2013-11-02I celebrate the me yet to come
2013-10-20"How do I improve my ""offensive game"" in the sport of socializing?"
2013-08-23Relationship expectations I have are to high?
2013-08-21Finding an apartment in Toronto
2013-08-17Welcoming foster children.
2013-08-17Scritch Scratch
2013-08-02Breaking up; who should get the dog?
2013-07-21Nudging the S.O. toward the Pro-Social
2013-07-19I am planning to leave my boyfriend ... in 30 months time...
2013-07-05Horror independent of increased knowledge?
2013-07-03Explain this to me as though I were a total idiot...
2013-07-03Explain this to me as though I were a total idiot...
2013-06-29Coworker is not taking constructive criticism well
2013-06-18How do I avoid becoming like my parents re: treatment of kids?
2013-06-03Who's the (Grand)Daddy?
2013-05-30Avoiding and managing hair breakage
2013-05-29Should I go no contact or continue to hang out?
2013-05-20I keep crying over Ian M Banks dying of cancer.
2013-05-20Preparing for a major all-changing life event
2013-05-13Are more expensive epilators worth it or could they work worse?
2013-04-22Help needed with tranlsating term referring to someone's skin colour.
2013-04-22Help needed with tranlsating term referring to someone's skin colour.
2013-04-10What are your most delicious rhubarb uses/recipes?
2013-04-10What are your most delicious rhubarb uses/recipes?
2013-01-29Fighting a new neighbor who wants to tear down, rebuild, and flip
2013-01-29Crockpot on High with a tea towel under it?
2013-01-23Work Goals?
2013-01-05Tight and tidy hair?