Which comments by Michele in California were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-11-27Switching flank steaks for top round steaks.
2013-11-23"How do I get the ""follow"" button to show up on Facebook posts?"
2013-09-07Self-teaching programming skills -- some bumps in the road
2013-08-27Wordpress theme for sports stats site?
2013-07-21How to make cut flowers last a few days unattended?
2013-07-20Chest pain, partner won't let me call 911. What can I do?
2013-07-19I am planning to leave my boyfriend ... in 30 months time...
2013-07-12How to stop dating
2013-06-30Help me to have harder bones without harder poop.
2013-06-20How to help a blind person organize.
2013-06-19I want to get all up in this grill.
2013-06-19Hit and run insurance claim?
2013-05-22Breathing new life into an old website, input on new name and content
2013-05-19How to go no contact with an abuser?
2013-05-17Help me come up with a sassy quip in response to people's sexism.
2013-05-13Underrepresented online businesses
2013-05-02Writers, how do you cope with being jealous of other writers?
2013-05-02Writers, how do you cope with being jealous of other writers?
2013-04-28How does one acquire a pair of rose-tinted glasses?
2013-04-26Human Vision Heuristics?
2013-04-25How do you cheer up when you're sad?
2013-04-21Putting my best food forward - subconsciously
2013-04-19 The method behind the madness
2013-04-18Special needs teachers deserve a special thank you
2013-04-17Seeking texts (books, movies, TV, articles, etc.) about authenticity
2013-04-15What to do about crappy vandal neighbor kids... a bit wordy/snowy inside
2013-04-13Tall, pudgy, 40 year old thinking about taking up longboarding
2013-04-12Help me save this relationship
2013-04-04Tooth Extraction Questions
2013-03-21Cleaning Crew startup
2013-03-19How can I convince someone to see a doctor for a closed head injury?
2013-03-12Should I ask her when would be a good time to call her for a date?
2013-03-12Do not congratulate me. I'm just fat.
2013-03-02Lunch: It's complicated.
2013-03-01Name my shell companies
2013-03-01Lunch: It's complicated.
2013-02-27How did you let go and forgive after a loss and a breakup?
2013-02-26Restraining order ramifications question, and a long sad story . .