Which comments by quaking fajita were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2017?

2017-11-14Mind Growing Book Ideas
2017-11-10LibraryThing vs goodreads?
2017-11-04Hosting a large-ish family gathering 101
2017-09-12What is the most creative way you can think of to drain a pool?
2017-09-01Wreck beach stairs and first time visitors guide
2017-09-01Wreck beach stairs and first time visitors guide
2017-07-25Seeking wedding resources for a low-key, reluctant, feminist bri... ugh.
2017-06-22Reading a medical study paper
2017-06-19Grape safety
2017-04-24Could somebody please explain Skype to me?
2017-04-10Minimum Viable Wardrobe
2017-02-09Best books about decline and fall of Ottoman Empire / Greco-Turkish war?
2017-01-31Easy ways to tile print a large image
2017-01-25alternate histories pls
2017-01-25What can we not miss in the Azores?
2017-01-13I cannot remember what I bought these food items for.
2017-01-05Need a writing program/application
2017-01-04I'd like to be whitelisted, but I don't know what block list I'm on