Which comments by donut_princess were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-12Where are the lists of unsolved science questions?
2023-09-29TravelFilter: Portland, Maine (and surrounds) things to do, see, eat
2023-09-14What's a great bird toy for a 2.5 year old?
2023-09-07How to maximize my chances of passing?
2023-09-07How to maximize my chances of passing?
2023-07-30What's your favorite way to use up a lot of cucumbers but not pickling
2023-06-09French self-study with a particular goal in mind (reading/writing)
2023-05-21Comic books/graphic novels for an 8 year old
2023-05-17Trash Talk for Children
2023-03-25Delightfully absurd custom photo gift ideas
2023-03-14What should I do with my hair?
2023-01-05Help me make a playlist for my dog's birthday