Which comments by NotMyselfRightNow were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-10-11Sixth Wedding Anniversary gift: Iron - difficulty: a lock
2023-10-06Exercise with a broken foot
2023-09-27How to tape a flyer
2023-09-26Book recommendations 2023
2023-09-17Best tax strategy for buying a ski property late in the year
2023-08-09"""Complimentary Dinner Presentation""--should I go?"
2023-07-12How to make an effective resume
2023-06-15How good are battery powered lawnmowers these days?
2023-06-13OCR scanner recomendation?
2023-06-04Is there a wedding website host that doesn't share information?
2023-05-31Portable music player without Internet Connection
2023-05-26Is Grammarly Changing English Writing?
2023-05-14Suggestions for food in New England?
2023-04-23Podcast recommendations: Host interviewing academics
2023-04-22Too Late for a Hostel - Two Nights in Austin
2023-04-10Can someone advise me on an Android fitness app that fits my needs?
2023-03-18Recommend me brilliant biographies about brilliant women
2023-03-18Recommend me brilliant biographies about brilliant women
2023-03-09"At-Will Employer Pressuring ""Employment Agreement"" as a contract?"