Which comments by zenon were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-21File system for Linux and Mac
2022-11-18Where do you find non-cursed discourse on international issues?
2022-11-12It’s new snow blower time
2022-10-03Songs of '89
2022-09-26How long do you keep fresh chicken nuggets
2022-09-23Looking to replace Sennheiser MB660
2022-09-04Seeking Mac Purchase Perspectives
2022-08-25How can I make sure jewelry contains NO nickel?
2022-08-18Automated Complicated Schedule APP
2022-08-0930 relaxing hours in Chicago
2022-07-11Potential gas leak?
2022-06-03What do you want me to know about the iPhone 13?
2022-03-22Untreated Home Depot wood - safe for sleeping next to?
2022-02-13How X Shaped the World
2022-02-04Tell me about egg allergies in babies and young children
2022-01-31How can I be a better coach for these kids?
2022-01-05"Looking for rigid steel 6"" and 12"" rulers with specific requirements"