Which comments by Dip Flash were best answers in Ask MetaFilter from 2012-01-01 through now?

2023-12-22Slippity doo-dah
2023-12-20Are stairs without nosing “dangerous?”
2023-11-01more job search etiquette
2023-10-11how should I contact this person?
2023-09-26How do the 0.001% sleep?
2023-08-08Replacing cracked windshield on my baby
2023-07-27Covid risk right now?
2023-07-05What’s the humor of this New Yorker cartoon?
2023-06-15Found mysterious ring on bottom of Bosch dishwasher
2023-05-31Misused English words/terms maybe leading to death?
2023-05-26Rest in Password
2023-05-17house closing for dummies
2023-05-06Buying a used motorcycle
2023-04-28How to wire a bathroom fan to go on with light switch?
2023-04-27Substituting for tomato sauce in cassoulet
2023-04-24Legitimate doc to prescribe med card?
2023-02-08How do you manage your pantry?
2023-02-05"""Onion & Bread Soup"" - Recipe Failure Advice"
2023-02-02How do I make a fence that's safe for snakes?
2023-01-14Standing on the shoulders of cabinets
2023-01-12Covid: the first 48 hours
2022-12-14Old Army Smoke Grenade- is it safe to keep inside?
2022-12-05Overpay mortgage or save money for repairs/renovation?
2022-11-13Best temperature settings with a heat pump?
2022-11-08Non flannel pj pant recommendation needed
2022-10-19Winter tires vs minus-one wheels and winter tires
2022-10-07How do I ask about this without making people feel judged?
2022-10-02Tips for saving money right now
2022-09-16Logistics advice on a cross-country move
2022-09-05reviving a shallow well pump
2022-08-01Planning and regulating renewables in the Manchin-Schumer deal
2022-07-10How do I clean stored stuff?
2022-05-11Well water woes...
2022-05-09What would you do with this extra room??
2022-05-03Why am I so gassy and why do I have yellow poop??
2022-05-02Why am I so gassy and why do I have yellow poop??
2022-03-29All I need is useful feedback
2022-03-25How do I get a second COVID booster shot if I'm under 65?
2022-03-19Urgent meatball quandary
2022-01-28Australian Film About Young Artist Who Could Stop Time
2022-01-14How do horses or oxen deal with bringing heavy loads down a hill?
2021-12-30Snow tires a good idea?
2021-12-28Books about being off the grid / moving away
2021-12-28Dealing with the “We’re all going to get Covid” crowd?
2021-10-25How to come to peace with low salary increase
2021-10-04Can I Eat These Fruit?
2021-08-19I lost my vaccination card. What can I do?
2021-01-11Help me be paranoid in the right direction
2020-12-29home renovation on a budget: staggered schedule edition
2020-12-14Tips for when your kid's at college far away
2020-11-29What happened?
2020-11-13Can I Eat This? My turn!
2020-09-18How to cleanly dispose of dirty litter
2020-08-29Buying and selling in age of COVID
2020-08-07Lawn irrigation -- are you experienced?
2020-08-06Is my meat beating the heat?
2020-08-03AWD and Flat Tires
2020-07-26What professional do I need for a slope?
2020-07-12envelope full of covid
2020-06-05How's an alternating tread stairway for basement access?
2020-06-01Talking about BLM protests with my white partner
2020-05-31Give me back my name
2020-05-19When to defrost meat, for the occasional (and spontaneous) cook
2020-04-27How can I sink a 7ft pole into the ground?
2020-04-15no notice resignation
2020-04-03Should I buy a sewing machine?
2020-03-22how can I teach my fastidious dog to 'go' on the balcony?
2020-01-23Moving Auto cross-country
2019-12-23Will *I* need to be cured?
2019-12-18Help me identify a half-remembered Argentinian film
2019-08-20The plague that never ends
2019-07-06CVSircadian Rhythm Disorder
2019-03-17citizen oversight for municipal budget
2019-02-13Can I eat this? Boiled chicken edition
2018-12-26Books/movies that give a flavor of life in small town Texas c. 1970
2018-12-01A tow-tal wreck
2018-11-27Dutch (Oven) Treat
2018-11-20Save my bacon! Or don't!
2018-11-13Forest Fire Smoke Protection
2018-10-27How do I homeowner?
2018-10-20The gift of a tree
2018-08-19Regional equivalents of the Black Bear Diner chain?
2018-08-13weird pre-walk dog behavior!
2018-08-05Advice for the parents of a returning Peace Corps Volunteer
2018-05-12Novels about contemporary immigrant / refugee / expat experiences
2018-03-02Is it OK for male colleague to touch a woman's waist in passing?
2018-02-19Advise me on a home wireless speaker system
2017-12-26New dishwasher, install question
2017-11-02Is this job offer formal enough for me to give notice?
2017-10-05Ah, time for another where should I move question! Farmer edition...
2017-10-05Dinners to keep me from the drive-through
2017-09-15Work wardrobe, roof style.
2017-09-03False depiction of guns in movies and shows
2017-08-19What are these spherical nest looking things on power lines in Mexico?
2017-07-21Establishing WA state residency headaches!
2017-07-17Greyhound from Corvallis to Salem Oregon
2017-07-13Accessible elevators
2017-07-09Campsites for the August eclipse in Oregon, or other options?
2017-06-29Can one be friends with the 1%?
2017-06-06How to move cross country without kicking yourself later
2017-05-08How durable is vinyl plank flooring?
2017-03-25Black carbon steel pan with flat bottom
2017-02-27The etiquette of tying your dog up outside
2017-01-07How do I deal with hurt feelings towards my future in-laws?
2016-12-21What are the best features to have in a newer (2015+) car?
2016-12-14Ever use a LEGO broker?
2016-12-12Help find romantic slow-tempo Jamaican ska, bluebeat, & rocksteady tunes
2016-11-02Did the Clerk Make Off with My Much-Needed Original Title?
2016-10-11My glasses make me feel unreal / are provoking feelings of derealization
2016-10-04You kiss your mother with that racist mouth?
2016-09-08Best way to sell this specific car?
2016-08-22Getting your hair dry *and* being a good girlfriend?
2016-08-05A home to retire in
2016-07-14How to do myself justice on the MENSA IQ test?
2016-06-24Do you and your SO sleep in separate beds but still get along?
2016-06-24What are the best novels about the American West in the late 1800s?
2016-06-18Maybe if I'd lived in a better school district, I'd Ask Metafilter less.
2016-06-12Does global warming mean we shouldn’t buy this riverside lot?
2016-05-28What kind of things can I do to help my partner with his business?
2016-05-21Rent vs Buy: Rental Market is Bananas edition
2016-05-15I wish to remain vanishing
2016-05-08does being put on probation at work mean you're going to get fired?
2016-05-03Magical Unicorn Carrot
2016-04-23How do I find pictures of the earth from above in flyover America?
2016-04-23Should we stick with our financial/investment advisor or with the bank?
2016-04-09Liquid coming out of tankless water heater's condensate drain line?
2016-04-09Liquid coming out of tankless water heater's condensate drain line?
2016-03-15Quinceanera hacks?
2016-03-09Acquiring a car without a downpayment
2016-03-06Hands free building?
2016-02-22Critique my cross-country driving route please: Oregon to South Carolina
2016-01-29Suggest Audiobooks with bits of non-English language and accents
2016-01-21A publisher wants my book. How to pay the bills while I write it?
2015-12-26Long-term solution for a leaking soft-top Jeep Wrangler?
2015-12-26How do I do improve the world?
2015-12-24Lumberjacks and handy people of MeFi, pick me a saw!
2015-12-19Reflecting on being part of the mob
2015-12-01best flood control/diversion strategy for river cabin?
2015-12-01365 days of intentional outdoor activity for Xmas
2015-11-26Buying a Macbook Air, first time Apple buyer
2015-11-20Interview filter: how to negotiate questions about diversity?
2015-11-10Will I be throwing my life away to major in music or writing?
2015-11-01"""Trashy"" sci-fi"
2015-10-13Dating in NYC?
2015-09-27Losing a tenure-track position
2015-08-30Manhattan (or close by) KitchenAid mixer repair?
2015-08-09Seasoning cast iron skillet: what went wrong edition
2015-07-18Boyfriend wants to do a naked bike ride?
2015-07-12How can I blend in socially in my field, esp. at my new internship?
2015-06-01Gardening Gurus, Lend Me Your Search Terms
2015-05-01Is it wrong to gift my boyfriend underwear he doesn't usually wear
2015-04-28What small comforting things would you bring to a disaster zone?
2015-04-04Mile-High Expectations
2015-03-21Edumate me about the world of part-time jobs in 2015/ biology filter
2015-02-18Car man hates person man. They have a fight, car wins.
2015-02-08Garage door replacement
2015-02-05Runaway debt cycle. Please halp.
2015-01-31When to say when on used car maintenance costs?
2015-01-26"Tires: Winter 16""/Summer 17"" or All Season 17""?"
2015-01-24Drywall repair for amateur
2015-01-21Help me figure out camping... in Africa?
2015-01-17How can I make business travel suck less?
2014-12-12You're Not The Boss Of Me
2014-11-24DIY Illegal Drug Making - WHAT WERE THEY DOING??
2014-11-15Great industry but the people suck. Help?
2014-11-11"Best way to answer the interview question, ""How's your attendance?"""
2014-10-13Was my friend rude to grab popcorn out of my bag without asking?
2014-10-02What to do if I'm being paid less than agreed upon in an interview?
2014-09-27Rain into a barrel I know I know it's series-us
2014-09-21Eating healthy on a tiny budget in Superior-Duluth
2014-09-21Time Enough At Last?
2014-09-19We need a car. And we don't know anything about cars.
2014-09-16What to do in Salt Lake City
2014-09-15rookie homeowners
2014-09-14You should give up/ try harder/ love yourself/ lower your standards
2014-09-08Agricultural UAV's and crop analysis
2014-09-06How do I feel better about my looks?
2014-08-28OK, Max level bitchiness reached. How to deal with it?
2014-08-18So this is supposed to be heavy and outdated? Just like me!
2014-08-12Got sent home from work for being 4 minutes late one too many times.
2014-07-26Help me help them!
2014-07-20Did I mess up my quick fridge pickles?
2014-07-20Do I really need a concrete foundation for my garden shed?
2014-07-02Motorcycle Camping in North-Western Mexico
2014-06-27Summer Fun and Structural Integrity
2014-06-15A car for camping?
2014-05-26What can I say that will get him to lock the door?
2014-05-12Mortgage underwriting question.
2014-05-05Cabinets: Wood or painted in a tiny kitchen?
2014-04-23Selling a car on installments to a private party.
2014-04-06"Can I please get a copy of that ""This Is How People Act"" memo?"
2014-03-01"Remaining ""flush"" during the Zombie Apocalypse"
2014-02-28How long should a couch last? Is it our fault?
2014-02-26CareerFilter: for life or money?
2014-02-07Wanting to get a KitchenAid mixer but confused by all the options.
2014-02-01Selling house absentee-style...need reassurance
2014-01-18Help me save a mediocre job interview
2013-11-20four wheels good, two wheels bad?
2013-11-05Oh my god will our house never stay organized!