Which comments by metasarah were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-26What drama series should we watch next on Netflix?
2022-12-11Outside the box gifts
2022-12-09I just want to be warm
2022-09-29Help my body hurt less.
2022-09-15Rx meds for hot flashes
2022-09-04“Investing” in real estate.
2022-09-01Is prednisone really going to clear up my clogged ears?
2022-08-26dude, get out of my head.
2022-08-22Screen door + kid = arghhhhhh
2022-08-22Screen door + kid = arghhhhhh
2022-07-26A future climate refuge in upstate NY?
2022-05-25Non-sexist info on PMS
2022-05-22anxiously attached & ashamed
2022-05-13Can I learn to have multiple orgasms?
2022-05-13Enzyme cleaner for urine on sofa?
2022-05-12[FoodFilter] Non-sugary, portable breakfasts/snacks that keep well?
2022-04-22ELI 5: How to not freak out this week.
2022-04-18What media hit you differently the second time around?
2022-04-18this too shall pass? really? how can you be sure?
2022-04-06Best practices when taking major antibiotics?
2022-04-03Newly single, COVID cautious
2022-03-19how to pick two from three of practical help, counselling, enjoyment?
2022-03-05Bread machine recipes and hacks
2022-02-24How to survive 24 hours in a plane with kids.