Which comments by warriorqueen were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-28What's the deal with polymer clay and home oven ceramics firing?
2022-12-19Trouble in BFF-land: parenting version
2022-12-12Ideas for celebrating christmas when my spouse doesn't want to?
2022-12-05What is reasonable to expect in first grade?
2022-12-02Please be gentle in consideration of the context.
2022-11-24Fashion SOS: Boyfriend Family Turkey Meeting
2022-11-20The logistics of removing truly massive amounts of snow
2022-11-19Help me get some perspective on a fulfilling life with/without children
2022-11-01How do young people learn to adult if their parents didn’t teach them?
2022-10-31Perfect fried celeriac
2022-10-28Specialist dietitian recommendation please?
2022-10-13Would I be stupid to (not) accept this?
2022-10-06Best hospital in the Greater Toronto Area for gastrointestinal problems?
2022-10-06Best hospital in the Greater Toronto Area for gastrointestinal problems?
2022-10-02Guidance on how to discuss quality of children's TV with children
2022-10-01Tips for saving money right now
2022-09-22Help me not be hungry all the time!!
2022-09-14Could I be Mysophobic?
2022-09-13Help me like black beans (vegan)
2022-09-13Help me like black beans (vegan)
2022-09-03Toronto and GTA lakeshore cycling paths
2022-09-01Roslyn Tureck interview: pivotal experience just before 17th birthday?
2022-08-26Best! Vegan! Lentil! Recipes!
2022-08-03I live in Toronto. I want to see the Northern Lights tonight. Cheap.
2022-07-21How do I come to terms with childhood deprivation?
2022-07-18Martial arts for thin newbies
2022-07-13Neurodivergent parenting help
2022-07-12Are Board And Train Programs a Good Option for Dogs Who Make Bad Choices
2022-07-09Dog bite, broken skin?
2022-07-07Should I stay or should I go? Job Edition
2022-07-06How to say yes to more things.
2022-06-27Should I get rid of my puppy?
2022-06-24Camping lunches for a crowd
2022-06-22Help me navigate this slightly tricky friendship-moment
2022-05-16Social services in Scarborough Ontario for a pregnant marginal woman?
2022-05-15family envy
2022-05-12Wandavision: ok for the recently bereaved?
2022-04-28Can a guest conductor fire a musician?
2022-04-26Ask v. Guess Culture exists. What about trying v. not trying culture?
2022-04-25Have you taken an online graphic design course or certificate?
2022-04-19How do I stop the deterioration of my mental health?
2022-04-13Talk me out of buying this house?
2022-04-05Cope with moody spouse
2022-04-01Best parts about parenting a boy?
2022-03-27Not “Eat, Pray, Love” but what instead?
2022-03-25Overwhelmed by Task of Selling Off Old Craft Hobby Tools
2022-03-22Help me evaluate the COVID risk of returning to the office
2022-03-21Another COVID Gut-Check Ask
2022-03-10Should I stay (at home) or should I go (back to work)?
2022-02-17Is it unethical for me to videotape people outside w/o their permission?
2022-02-17Tweens and clothes - parenting best practices?
2022-02-17Tweens and clothes - parenting best practices?
2022-01-29Where Be Dragons?
2022-01-13What can I do to not be judgmental about people?