Which comments by fshgrl were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-18To neuter this beautiful dog... or not?
2013-12-02Which phone should I get? Galaxy S4 (Active?) or Lumia 1020?
2013-11-05What Book Did I Read?
2013-10-15Help me understand what scar tissue on my muscle is exactly? IKYANMD
2013-10-08Should I buy this house, or not?
2013-10-05How do I approach organizations about researching them/their clients?
2013-09-12Hunting education
2013-09-11Need to make sandbag-like things right now
2013-08-28Should I risk buying (x-country) ski boots second-hand or overseas?
2013-08-17The AZ Humane Society killed my friend's dog... basically.
2013-08-12Where in Ireland is this?
2013-07-10How to prevent or deal with grass allergies
2013-06-16Is this believable or should I walk away?
2013-04-07Backpack camping gear recommendations
2013-04-06Undergrad's over... what now?
2013-04-06Legal advice regarding publishing documentation of sexual assult
2013-03-26I think I may have to have a serious talk with my frie
2013-03-26I think I may have to have a serious talk with my frie
2013-03-26Enstrengthening for the unenlightened
2013-03-25abs of steel take more than 20 minutes a day
2013-03-25abs of steel take more than 20 minutes a day
2013-03-21Hiking pants for very cold temps
2013-03-16how should the process of adopting a cat from a breeder work
2013-03-01Lunch: It's complicated.
2013-02-02When is it Time?
2013-02-01Should I tear out the walls and start over?
2013-01-31San Francisco's Seafood Scene
2013-01-31Where can a new skier go on a day trip near San Francisco?
2013-01-30What kinds of experts might be on a team sent to explore a new planet?
2013-01-20Fighting Gravity.
2013-01-20Where should a nature lover and illustrator move to?
2013-01-15How to determine pulse rate while running
2013-01-15Newbie: ski OR snowboard at Windham Mountain