Which comments by PercussivePaul were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-11-27How to deal with disappointment and sadness?
2013-11-13Outsourcing ALL of your Information Technology
2013-11-11I quit smoking, but he didn't
2013-11-09Is you is or is you ain't a possiblity?
2013-11-05Long Term relationship with a girl that has issues?
2013-10-28Fun with LEDs
2013-10-27Looking for a Good Job
2013-10-25Is this creepy?
2013-09-25Help me enjoy my visit to Vancouver and source good local eats.
2013-09-05Should I asked this guy if he's still interested?
2013-07-10Statistical analysis of votes for a certain outcome
2013-06-03Vancouver, BC Vacation with Public Transit?
2013-05-21How do I go from one kind of nerd to another?
2013-05-13How can I be as supportive as possible of an abuse victim?
2013-05-13How can I get my advisor to set my date?
2013-05-10Don't have an internship for summer, feeling really down
2013-05-03I have no idea how to get past the honeymoon period. It's killing me.
2013-04-18Can you help me find a scifi short story?
2013-04-04Canadian family member transferring car to US family member - how?
2013-04-03Something wrong with the wife's computer. But what?
2013-04-03How can I influence the EnergyStar program?
2013-03-28Diagnosing poor performing Windows laptop
2013-03-27My ex's new significant other is following me around on social media
2013-03-24Low-starch, grab-and-go breakfast?
2013-03-10Is there a good quote or idiom for this sentiment?
2013-03-02in need of a reality check, possibly?
2013-02-05Asked Out A Friend. Rejected. Now What?
2013-01-23(When) should I buy a house, Hamilton, Ontario edition
2013-01-10Why is our power bill so high?