Which comments by kapers were best answers in Ask MetaFilter from 2012-01-01 through now?

2023-11-22"Help a storyteller/very conceptual person get a little better at ""tl;dr"""
2023-11-21"Help a storyteller/very conceptual person get a little better at ""tl;dr"""
2023-11-19Mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, Mac and cheese…
2023-11-15Rockin' Basslines
2023-11-02Non-greasy lip balm
2023-08-18"Seeking ""mind hacks"" to prevent ruminating while I'm on vacation"
2023-08-14Managers, please help me with phrasing some feedback
2023-08-12This is not the Overlook (?)
2023-06-24Living with a negativity addict
2023-06-24Living with a negativity addict
2023-06-19how many cat questions is too many
2023-06-07Is it a chair, a seat, or something else?
2023-03-15Weird and unique things to see and do in New England (USA)
2023-03-14Language precision needed please
2023-01-25How did Lisa Dejardins's hair get this way?
2023-01-13Existential pain tolerance
2022-11-24Fashion SOS: Boyfriend Family Turkey Meeting
2022-10-19Is there a better explanation than... smokin' ghost?
2022-10-09Charleston Choosing
2022-09-11Would you find this helpful?
2022-09-11can you dye (or paint) jute wedge shoes?
2022-07-09he’s the main character in my life
2022-06-03What is my obligation to report possible animal abuse?
2022-06-02Is there a Mister Rogers in your neighborhood?
2022-05-26Kissing cousins with Botox/Latisse
2022-05-23Quarter-Century Character Breaks
2022-05-13Movie ID help: person without glasses mistakes wild animal for cat?
2022-04-17What media hit you differently the second time around?
2022-04-12useful skills for the apocalypse
2022-04-07"What songs sound just like ""One Night in Bangkok?"""
2022-03-25Tips for being a good manager of someone older than me
2022-02-08How do I deal with guilt after putting my dog down?
2021-12-31Cognitive and behavioural changes after a heart attack?
2021-12-31Cognitive and behavioural changes after a heart attack?
2021-12-23shame spiral
2021-12-06This gift for my wife ... brilliant gesture or am I way out of my lane?
2021-12-05You're Not the Boss of Me
2021-11-02Motivating past platitudes
2021-08-09Book buying
2021-08-09Book buying
2021-06-11Apartment in Brooklyn - looks great, want to check my feelings
2021-04-16Airfryer + Oil
2021-03-29Can you help me get professionally unstuck?
2021-03-16Please help me face the music at my job
2021-02-03My aunt blasts the TV volume and the upstairs neighbours are unhappy
2020-10-16NYC Moving Company Recs?
2020-09-10Long-term Twitter Deactivation
2020-07-29Anxious first-time renter and reporting apartment water issues
2020-07-05Stud me with (copper) barnacles and drape me in (silken) kelp
2020-06-21How to Move to NYC
2020-05-28Should I attend a funeral during Covid-19 semi-reopening?
2020-05-17What, what, what
2020-05-16How to ask my WhatsApp group to cut out the fatphobia
2020-04-22My cat hates it when my partner kisses me?
2020-04-11Help me get things delivered *not* by the Postal Service
2020-03-31Remote Onboarding
2019-10-29Waiting for therapy - how to cope in the meantime?
2019-08-27I've heard of Gallows Humour but this....
2019-05-13Front desks in the pre-internet era
2019-05-08Why does the cat smell so good when his breath smells so bad?
2019-03-16Using bedrest for the best (face, hair, stress...)
2019-01-03Classic comedies to share with a 5th grader
2018-12-14I just want to stop overeating.
2018-12-04the mystery of the locked room mystery
2018-11-27Give me your best health hacks
2018-11-10How to have a good weekend
2018-10-15Flower Delivery at the Workplace
2018-10-15Flower Delivery at the Workplace
2018-09-21"Violence in Tana French's ""Dublin Murder Squad"" series?"
2018-09-17On skin, sex, and teenage girls
2018-09-14Caffeine sensitivity, hours later?
2018-09-13I'm worrying about pillowcases
2018-09-02Shoes to go from hiking trail to nightclub
2018-08-27Promising professional contact has turned weird, what next?
2018-08-07LandlordFilter: How to assess damage that cannot be reasonably repaired?
2018-07-09Please answer the question
2018-05-31Hey kid, wanna buy some eggs?
2018-05-13Relationship troubles at a boiling point
2018-03-19Recommendations for Long, Engrossing Books
2018-03-12How do women flirt to get what they want in NON romantic settings?
2018-03-12How do women flirt to get what they want in NON romantic settings?
2018-03-11It All Falls Down (After Travel). Staying Healthy/Organized After A Trip
2018-02-06What to do with earrings returned to sender by postal system?
2018-01-25Work-Appropriate, Non-Edible Indulgence
2018-01-01What's (the) one thing I can do to become a better man?
2017-12-29Anyone had (good/bad) experiences with Conspiracy theorist?
2017-12-28What can I do to stop my life from spiralling further out of control?
2017-12-21Single guys that wear button-up shirts to work -- help?
2017-12-18Nemesis is too strong of a word, but...
2017-12-14Help for a month without added sugar.
2017-11-24What should I do with all this turkey stock?
2017-11-22What's the heaviest, rockiest, thrashiest, grungiest synth/piano songs?
2017-11-20 Reach Out, or Let it Be?
2017-10-27Decorating A Public School Classroom for Halloween: Yay or Nay?
2017-10-27Decorating A Public School Classroom for Halloween: Yay or Nay?
2017-10-27Decorating A Public School Classroom for Halloween: Yay or Nay?
2017-10-25What's the key to a good Halloween party?
2017-10-12I love you...sober you
2017-10-07Help us fall in love with sweet potatoes!
2017-10-06Strong reactions in relationships
2017-10-06Strong reactions in relationships
2017-10-01Where can I find a particular woman's jacket?
2017-09-24Pet culture vs non-pet culture
2017-09-23A Squirrelly Conundrum
2017-09-18Student loans still listing as in deferment
2017-09-15How to break in boots that are older than I am?
2017-09-13Is my user name an ableist slur?
2017-09-03I lose everything. Help me not lose my expensive season ticket.
2017-08-31Post-season swimsuits in NYC
2017-08-10I have no willpower! (can't stop eating junk food)
2017-08-07Tips for NYC (Brooklyn)
2017-07-18AskMe, will you be my shopping buddy?
2017-07-13Taking Others' Sides in a Relationship
2017-07-06How do I say no (or not right now) to a woman who won't take no?
2017-06-21Bad kitty...
2017-06-17Small talk for awkward party?
2017-06-14Why is it so relaxing to lounge near open areas / lakes / pools?
2017-05-25Thinking of dying hair light blond, what do I need to know?
2017-05-25Thinking of dying hair light blond, what do I need to know?
2017-05-09What should I look for in adopting my ideal cat (or should I not adopt)?
2017-05-06Altitude sickness?
2017-04-14Help me be an awesome manager!
2017-04-13I want you to want me.
2017-03-26Sending a child off into the world
2017-03-12I fell for a scam, how can I get over it?
2017-03-02Should I tell my ex that i think he manipulated/abused me?
2017-02-16"There's a type of product literally called ""makeup"", what is it?"
2017-02-13Job interview follow-up email: emetic edition.
2017-02-12Dress Two Tourists for Germany, Switzerland and Austria in late April
2017-01-25Closet Cat
2017-01-13What should I feed my cat?
2017-01-13how to ask someone if they're expecting to host you
2017-01-04Years of your granddaughter's life are being ignored.
2016-12-19How much of yourself do you show to your coworkers?
2016-10-04What do cats want... in water?
2016-09-30Why are religious kids and teens so well behaved and... chill?
2016-09-12What does cilantro taste like?
2016-09-10What kinds of pot use are healthy, appropriate, and respectful?
2016-08-05I already bought a plane ticket. Should I take an 8-hr bus instead?
2016-08-02Examples of being considerate/caring?
2016-08-01Sexsomnia and Body Policing
2016-08-01Sexsomnia and Body Policing
2016-08-01Sexsomnia and Body Policing
2016-07-30Should I go on a trip with my relatively new partner?
2016-06-24Do you and your SO sleep in separate beds but still get along?
2016-06-24What do French women actually eat?
2016-05-10I need to replace Diet Coke... but with what?
2016-05-08Can I still use these? Tampon edition.
2016-05-05Recharging the Battery
2016-05-04How to deal with bumping into a stalker-y former friend in public?
2016-04-18So many choices!! How to handle
2016-04-13Help me avoid the WASP trap.
2016-03-28Could I ask out a girl on ride-shares like lyft without sounding weird?
2016-03-24Remove the Bite from my Crocs!
2016-01-20How do I maintain healthy boundaries? (grad school + work edition)
2016-01-05How is this a scam?
2015-11-19Is this 'Best Boss Ever' cake too obvious?
2015-10-14Too late for a quarter life crisis.
2015-08-05After a depression, how to let young kids know how much they are loved?
2015-07-24Hey random stranger, get your mutt out of my yard
2015-07-21Man talking in a 90s song
2015-07-20Emotional Labor Checklist/Self-Assessment
2015-07-18Boyfriend wants to do a naked bike ride?
2015-07-14Is there any way to rescind this invitation?
2015-07-04What's wrong with marrying your first love?
2015-07-02Keep cool, my babies..
2015-04-20Avoid sounding bossy or passive-aggressive when needing stuff at work?
2015-04-20Avoid sounding bossy or passive-aggressive when needing stuff at work?
2015-04-14My neighbor probably stole a package from us. What to do?
2015-03-30Fixing credit without screwing creditors?
2015-03-30Please help me understand social justice rhetoric!
2015-03-27Should I Forget Him or is There Still Something There?
2015-03-17Help me not get diabetes please!
2015-02-12do Norwex cloths really safely clean with just water?
2015-01-23My potential boss is making me uncomfortable but I need this job
2015-01-04How can I forgive myself for wasting so much time?
2014-11-14How did you stop typing two spaces after the end of a sentence?
2014-10-31Is it okay to walk my dog in the cemetery?