Which comments by amtho were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-24Shoot first, ask questions later - research funding edition
2022-12-23Go to the head of the... MasterClass
2022-12-22Help us find good wet food for our cat - he has mild pancreatitis
2022-12-19Browser based games that don't require commitment or much attention
2022-12-19Browser based games that don't require commitment or much attention
2022-12-1880s gold
2022-12-14Recliner covers for 70yo incontinent woman?
2022-12-10Sleeping Upright
2022-12-07Help me suffer less during exam-marking
2022-12-06moisturizing with gloves at night: tell me everything
2022-12-01Coming back from a flubbed interview question in a thank you email?
2022-11-14Can I burn this as kindling?
2022-11-12Can I burn this as kindling?
2022-11-10Hiring Painters?
2022-09-23Hello, we are your (not new) neighbours…
2022-09-22loud snoring spouse + light sleeping child - hotel room ideas?
2022-09-12Rehoming beloved cat in a week. How do I not get consumed with grief?
2022-09-04How to move houseplants cross-country?
2022-09-03How do you use your jacket’s central pouch?
2022-08-03Physical recovery from crying
2022-07-16Covid and Alaska cruise
2022-06-24How to gracefully withdraw from Job A
2022-06-10Gifts that come in pairs
2022-06-01Autoimmune conditions and hot weather
2022-05-30Why are my family members leaving me out?
2022-05-21For review - a note to my upstairs neighbor
2022-05-13Cat enrichment ideas? Difficulty level: special needs senior cats
2022-05-13Question on how skin allergies work: Propylene Glycol
2022-05-06Why does getting a cold cause me to have an unquenchable thirst?
2022-04-26Ask v. Guess Culture exists. What about trying v. not trying culture?
2022-04-22Dealing with vocal strain
2022-04-06Help me manage the heat of my bed
2022-04-03My daughter caught a bug in her room and is not happy...
2022-04-03My daughter caught a bug in her room and is not happy...
2022-04-01Can I improve this landscaping job?
2022-03-27How to find a way forward?
2022-03-27How to find a way forward?
2022-03-25Best web hosting tech support?
2022-03-25Tips for being a good manager of someone older than me
2022-03-07Cat Whisperers, I need you
2022-03-07Cat Whisperers, I need you
2022-03-06Couples therapy: definitely not your therapist, but I'll help you.
2022-02-25Unexpected food gift from Cambodia
2022-02-24How does the story end for narcissists?
2022-02-23Feminize a Greek name - Belisarius? (aka all Greek to me…)
2022-02-20Keep or give up foster kittens?
2022-02-18Need to re-energize brain. How?
2022-01-27Scents and Sensitivity - shampoo edition
2022-01-23What woodworking tool do I need to smooth out narrow grooves?
2022-01-23What woodworking tool do I need to smooth out narrow grooves?
2022-01-17Symtomatic and can't reach my supervisor
2022-01-12Chock full of.... pound cake?