Which comments by queenofbithynia were best answers in Ask MetaFilter from 2012-01-01 through now?

2023-11-17What actually happens to a herniated disc?
2023-11-13How to decide whether or not to go back to school
2023-05-31Late condolences, a slight variation
2023-05-24Alerting on a Missing Stair But No-one Seems to Really Care
2023-05-09I Chose to Reconcile with Ex while Dating Someone. What Would You Do?
2023-05-09I Chose to Reconcile with Ex while Dating Someone. What Would You Do?
2022-12-06falling out of love the wrong way
2022-11-07how would you want this handled?
2022-10-05Navigating conflicting crisis styles in a family
2022-08-27What to expect from an ACDF (anterior cervical discectomy and fusion)?
2022-08-16I have one week to decide who to have a baby with – please help!
2022-08-14Help settle a disagreement about masking and covid
2022-07-13Neurodivergent parenting help
2022-07-10he’s the main character in my life
2022-04-16Am I an asshole if I block my ex?
2022-03-19Retroactive Jealousy
2022-03-12Please help me figure out how to handle this customer service issue
2022-02-24Cognitive dissonance about my marriage, what is the reality?
2022-01-16Womens Clothing Sizes: WTF
2021-12-29Tips for being a good care advocate for a family member in the hospital?
2021-12-07Caretaking: How to deal with parents' rapid joint decline from afar?
2021-11-30How do I (29F) approach a talk with my distanced sister (39F)?
2021-11-07The aftershocks of an ended friendship
2021-08-25tarot + tattoo - belief = appropriation?
2021-08-20Help with composing script for calling a store manager
2021-07-08talk to me about abandonment issues
2021-07-08Wife was followed to parking lot by a coworker,she felt unsafe. Options?
2021-05-02Help me deal with boyfriend's autism
2021-04-22Trouble dealing with setbacks
2021-04-17Why is a friendship breakup worse than a slow-fade?
2020-12-05How to deal with anger: Covid denial plus apocalypse fantasies edition
2020-11-30Rotator cuff surgery - Help me level-set
2020-10-14I don’t want to be an aging hipster
2020-09-15Making music in a tiny space with another musician around
2020-08-14Housemate/brother friendship is falling apart... over the cleaning
2020-08-03a writing dilemma
2020-06-30What unexpected things happened during your divorce?
2020-06-21Depressed partner, crush on a friend, what to do next.
2020-06-19Where can I see the art that caused the Manege Affair?
2020-06-08bystander intervention in crisis: personal experience on either side?
2020-06-07Rage at Being Tickled/Poked. Did I overreact?
2020-06-01Netiquette - Is this term obsolete?
2020-05-31Give me back my name
2020-05-21How to support friend emotionally without agreeing with them
2020-05-18What did this story mean for US readers of 1899?
2020-05-03Identify this online short story (which I think was once on the blue)
2020-04-27Who is this actress?
2020-04-19how to report plagiarism
2020-03-31Travel to care for potentially sick parent?
2020-01-24How can I grow to like someone I don't?
2020-01-09Arguments with husband rarely settled. Help me figure out why?
2020-01-01"A term for when a ""being"" puts part of itself elsewhere for safe-keeping"
2019-12-22Delayed Text Message Responses from Friend
2019-12-19Is it all about meeting the right person?
2019-12-12Me or the dog...or the beer?
2019-11-23"""I just can't see it."" Obliviousness and division of labor"
2019-11-23"""I just can't see it."" Obliviousness and division of labor"
2019-11-18"Etiquette/Manners Filter: Go-To Quip for vendor ""I don't work here"" ?"
2019-11-10Gaining Perspective on Unrequited Something or Other
2019-10-24I dated my best friend, and now we're not friends anymore
2019-10-24I dated my best friend, and now we're not friends anymore
2019-10-11what actually IS flirting
2019-09-30Why do some middle-aged men lie about their age on Tinder?
2019-09-24Need lawyer b/c refused medicines
2019-09-15What are the crimes of Jim Inhofe?
2019-07-14Where to find online support for noncoastals with life difficulties?
2019-06-26Why should anyone read what I write?
2019-06-23At a Bash with Our Buddy’s Bad News Boyfriend
2019-06-21(TW Sexual Assault) Disturbing Content/Discussion at Writers' Group
2019-06-06Becoming a Mother While Single
2019-06-03What is this behaviour called, and how do I put a stop to it?
2019-04-23Poetry identification - beast of blood and bone
2019-04-17Bad start to neuropsychological testing, how to proceed?
2019-04-15I Don't Know
2019-04-12Talking to young children about a death a long time ago
2019-03-11What are the best practices for tackling perfectionism in young girls?
2019-03-11Separating the Art from the Artist
2019-02-24Can’t claim codependence on your taxes
2019-02-16How to have good boundries with younger friends
2019-01-01AAVE “lite”? Question about slang appropriation
2019-01-01Help me feel at peace with my decision to keep my parents in my life
2018-12-22Meeting daughter's partner first time xmas
2018-11-28Poem about snow as metaphor for depression, dissociation, or autism
2018-11-06My borderline sister is destroying my relationship with our parents
2018-10-24Is it reasonable to go to the doctor for feeling mildly tired?
2018-10-22You Don't Have To Keep Telling Me That, Do You?
2018-10-15Can you help me talk myself into separating from a toxic partnership?
2018-10-11What if I don't want something that applies to me?
2018-09-17On skin, sex, and teenage girls
2018-09-14How do I help a coworker learn to speak up?
2018-08-26Kids and Gender Identity Conundrum
2018-08-13Help an anxious dater
2018-08-12Dating on the Other Side of the Train Tracks
2018-08-05How to be taken seriously as a professional while networking
2018-08-02Mood swings in my relationship
2018-07-31Trying to sort my marriage
2018-07-22"Is it wrong to ever ask, ""Would you leave me if I gained weight?"""
2018-07-12How to you hold onto your personal power while falling in love?
2018-07-01"Please dress me in ""Lite Cocktail"""
2018-07-01Is this normal for a physical therapist?
2018-06-28Stockpiling Plan B?
2018-06-25What to do with a new-to-us upright piano?
2018-06-15How to feel like I’m not just my job?
2018-06-15How to feel like I’m not just my job?
2018-06-10Is this what dating is like in 2018?
2018-06-07I lost My Unbelieving Wife To - Religion! Can this work?
2018-05-31Is job hunting with a PhD -really- that bad?
2018-05-29Delivery room dilemma
2018-05-19How do I move on?
2018-05-16Husband has kept a journal to prove I am mentally ill
2018-05-16Husband has kept a journal to prove I am mentally ill
2018-04-29How do I stop anxiously over analyzing everything?
2018-04-22Why does my husband's overreaction bother me so much?
2018-04-21Why can't I take more NSAIDs?
2018-04-11Would you drop or be willing to ammend a Protective Order?
2018-04-01Christmas in Spring
2018-04-01Christmas in Spring
2018-03-14Ain't no shame in our game!!!
2018-03-07Do I need to delete my ex & his family/friends off social media forever?
2018-02-23Friendly office mate suddenly cold
2018-02-18recovering and moving on from long-ago rape (trigger warning: sex, rape)
2018-02-15When Your Teen Starts Dating: Protocols
2018-01-30Did I come on too strong?
2018-01-29Co-worker thinks I'm dumb and doesn't try to hide it
2018-01-26What if I really WAS to blame for getting sexually assaulted?
2018-01-16Single parent: outlook not so good, where do I start?
2018-01-14Help me talk to my doctor about my symptoms
2017-12-18Migraines from high-frequency flicker (above normal fusion rate)
2017-12-07Fantasy/paranormal shows that aren't gory/miserable?
2017-11-26Menstrual cycle and mood
2017-11-24Too much storage unit, too little time.
2017-11-20Should I rehome my dog?
2017-11-17Who is Brode, what is he?
2017-11-12Between a polyamorous rock and a monogamous hard place??
2017-11-10What was sex like in the olden days?
2017-11-09What was sex like in the olden days?
2017-11-02What are normal lows in a relationship
2017-10-29Pain Avoidance
2017-10-29I just broke up with my boyfriend, and am feeling really down about it.
2017-10-19Lots of women wear head coverings - can I?
2017-10-12Tips to keep from crying
2017-10-11I love you...sober you
2017-10-01Making plans as a sign of commitment
2017-09-30Was I A Rebound?
2017-09-30Herniated disc timeline wanted.
2017-09-28Talking to people without being That Person
2017-09-22I speak English, you speak... English?
2017-09-15Numbness in calf and foot, lower back pain
2017-09-07Help me process my anxiety about a really fun date I had
2017-08-30How to know when to use pepper spray in self-defence?
2017-08-18New York Library or City Hall Filter
2017-08-12Show Your Work
2017-08-12Show Your Work
2017-08-05Friend not inviting my girlfriend to his party
2017-08-01Support or Slander?
2017-07-22Sorry about your high expectations really not getting met, dear
2017-07-19Boyfriend seeks to make amends but can I really trust him?
2017-07-14"Yet Another OKCupid Profile Help Question - ""Old, Awkward, ASD"" Edition"
2017-06-30"""Am I going to die?"" ""Probably not, but I wouldn't bet my life on it."""
2017-06-22Appropriate Response to Sudden Departure of Employee
2017-06-20Least Invasive Forms of Birth Control
2017-06-16Can a joker and a serious person date happily?
2017-06-14How can I become more sex positive and embrace sexuality after trauma?
2017-06-14How to stop feeling guilty about estranging myself from my mom
2017-06-03Help me find the same dress about 1-3 more times!
2017-05-22How to deal with casual disregard for small animals
2017-05-14I want to dress in business casual athleisure, if that's a thing
2017-04-26What were the purposes and pitfalls of introductions a century ago?
2017-04-26Help me think/be more like a Businessy Person
2017-03-19How to deal with emotional labor inequity in relationships with males?
2017-03-10How can I make more friends but not get used?
2017-03-10How to pay someone back when they are unwilling
2017-03-07A Bridging-the-Divide Book on Racism?
2017-03-04"""Cretin"" and ""Cretan"" are homophones...right?"
2017-02-27Older guy won't hear no, threatens position in friend group
2017-02-25What does a healthy straight parents/queer child relationship look like?
2017-02-12Help me write an email to one editor about another editor
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-13What should I feed my cat?
2017-01-11Rebound or closure sex or...? Help me identify it
2017-01-02"Teaching children nonattachment applied to ""stuff"""
2016-12-12What is the most delicate of delicacies?
2016-11-29Are they *all* good dogs?
2016-11-12How to deal with split feelings on the Trump win inside your home?
2016-10-14Alone again, naturally - help me cope with a fresh breakup
2016-08-10Is my OKCupid profile OK?
2016-07-29Should I go on a trip with my relatively new partner?
2016-07-20Scenar device for pain: true or false?
2016-03-24But, But, I Don't Wanna Work In Underland Full Time
2015-12-07How to resolve ambivalence in new relationship