Which comments by Wobbuffet were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2017?

2017-11-21Books to read after Wandering Earth?
2017-11-02Is this job offer formal enough for me to give notice?
2017-10-18Is there a term for unsophisticated verbs in writing?
2017-10-10Beyond vision boards
2017-10-08Good translations of ancient classics
2017-10-08Good translations of ancient classics
2017-10-07Good translations of ancient classics
2017-09-26What makes you immediately aware of your own emotion?
2017-07-29queer girlie pop/disco
2017-07-20Oh Yeah, Alternative History!
2017-05-18Title & Author needed for a fiction book set in an ice age.
2017-05-13Who is the John Muir of New Hampshire's White Mountains?
2017-04-18Visiting the Louvre and looking for good reading material
2017-04-16What are those giant, ruined columns at Half Moon Bay?
2017-03-22What do these phrases mean actually?
2017-02-14Fun random tables for a junior D&Der?
2017-02-07When did the coating for glasses that reflects green become common?
2017-02-01Many, many years ago in a sad, faraway land...
2017-02-01Many, many years ago in a sad, faraway land...
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-28Short American horror fiction by authors who aren't white men?
2017-01-28Help me curb online spending