Which comments by potrzebie were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-12-15He wears his faith but as the fashion of his hat.
2023-11-17How do I force Google to ignore my recovery phone number?
2023-11-17What sort of pests completely consumed two bags of rice in my cupboard?
2023-11-16What offbeat thing goes on your snackboard?
2023-11-14Do you still hate the auto start-stop on your gas-powered car?
2023-10-13Two slices of bread, a fried egg, and thou? Who art thou?
2023-09-08Chatfilter: in search of anecdata
2023-09-05Break my little brain with BOOKS!
2023-08-25Bringing snacks into the US in cardboard boxes
2023-07-06What song did I hear the outro of?
2023-06-25Your actual experienced effect from consuming sage or any other herb?
2023-06-12Please fuel my drug-seeking behaviour with DATA
2023-06-11Good math-based, sports-related investigations for middle schoolers?
2023-06-07Is it a chair, a seat, or something else?
2023-05-14Email service that shows you your Spam as soon as loging in?
2023-05-08Looking for similar slippers/shoes to a discontinued MUJI pair
2023-05-01Help me find a carry on bag for United Airlines
2023-04-15Road-tripping with a PHEV
2023-04-08Minimize icestorm disaster?
2023-03-14Want home deep cleaned; need to support possibly vulnerable women...
2023-02-23Music licensing for sports events
2023-02-22Drinking 225 ml of liquid then go to bed, -> to how many/much urine?
2023-02-20songs in honor of a good friend
2023-02-10what are the medications that have to be taken on an empty stomach?
2023-02-10what are the medications that have to be taken on an empty stomach?
2023-01-28Was there a major business who could only accept cash a few months ago?
2023-01-26What is the newest durable eponym?
2023-01-10Flying and various forms of my name
2023-01-03Attend big family event or stay with dying dog