Which comments by mochapickle were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-31Novels set in Westchester, NY?
2013-12-26Which to watch first?
2013-12-26We're gonna need a montage!
2013-11-21Help me stay the cool aunt: lemonade-version....
2013-11-15Can I use my old passport even though I've legally changed my name?
2013-11-12It rubs the lotion on its skin...
2013-10-21I need more easy stuff to watch right before sleep.
2013-10-17What does a jack of all trades, master of none major in?
2013-10-17What would be dumb to miss for a person on business travel to NYC ?
2013-10-16Novels without protagonists
2013-10-14Birds! What are they good for?
2013-10-10Authors who sell ebooks in website form?
2013-10-07Driving into the sun but avoiding the flames?
2013-10-01very, very difficult, and very, very fun
2013-09-27Can I live on the road for <$45/day only including hotels
2013-08-20Help help I’m trapped in a Graham Greene novel
2013-08-06Name for a garden cat
2013-04-24Comma Chameleon: Help with comma usage needed!
2013-03-24Wow, thanks for the offer, but I'd rather not work at all...
2013-03-06Please recommend interesting/funny/awesome TV series to a bored shut-in
2013-02-25Recommend some adventure movies.
2013-02-16In kneed of gift suggestions
2013-02-12"What are some movies about adult women ""finding themselves""? "
2013-02-12Moving from a small office to a very, very big one. Tips?
2013-01-21Snap Out of It Existence
2013-01-14What are your best painless tips for saving money?
2013-01-07"""Dogs' lives are too short... Their only fault, really."""