Which comments by Silvery Fish were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-10-21Dance of Death media?
2022-10-08How can I be a less supportive friend
2022-10-02Guidance on how to discuss quality of children's TV with children
2022-09-08Help a little dude make friends
2022-09-04Good Music That Just Totally Rips Off the Beatles?
2022-09-02Noob question about agency contracting/invoicing
2022-08-22I love my girlfriend but I dont feel I should marry her
2022-07-31So.... what are you wearing?
2022-07-25Dress a little man for a big day!
2022-07-23Long defunct organizations/groups/movements that have come to life
2022-07-23Navigating hypocrisy
2022-07-23Long defunct organizations/groups/movements that have come to life
2022-05-23Fifteen minutes later, she would know the answer to her askme.
2022-05-19What should I show for my Ethnic Studies Film Festival?