Which comments by offog were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-11-09Audio recording with 360 degree coverage
2022-10-25What’s that western?
2022-10-03Songs of '89
2022-08-25Recipes that use herbs as vegetables?
2022-08-23Replace an ageing desktop on a budget, UK version
2022-07-08Giving the Same Name to Different Things
2022-07-08How many bands have songs where they say their own name?
2022-07-04What is this guitar sound from?
2022-06-09"Horrible ""table"" issue when I save to Rich Text Format"
2022-05-25Is there any method in this madness?
2022-05-23Quarter-Century Character Breaks
2022-03-17Twofer question about a choral recording from 1992
2022-03-17Twofer question about a choral recording from 1992
2022-03-08"Mystery Song: Jack Black ""Another Mexican Car Chase"" (2001 or earlier)."
2022-02-27Online music jam sites?
2022-02-04LED lightbulbs that last
2022-01-06What do you call it IN CANADA when you close the railway?
2022-01-04Looking for quote on what you learn from travel