Which comments by rongorongo were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2015?

2015-12-20Christmas math
2015-10-07Songs with strong vocals and minimal accompaniment
2015-10-05Songs with strong vocals and minimal accompaniment
2015-10-04Songs with strong vocals and minimal accompaniment
2015-10-04Songs with strong vocals and minimal accompaniment
2015-09-24"How to explain the word ""derive?"""
2015-09-14Tom Waits-esque Hip Hop
2015-09-14Tom Waits-esque Hip Hop
2015-08-19Am I a dick for getting a tattoo of a cave painting?
2015-08-18Am I a dick for getting a tattoo of a cave painting?
2015-07-22Fragments of Old London Still Visible in Modern London
2015-07-20Are noise-cancelling headphones damaging my hearing?
2015-07-07Restaurant recommendation in Edinburgh
2015-06-30Appropriate response to religious greeting
2015-06-29Please help me pick out a new camera!
2015-06-22Scotland Filter: St Andrews Strategy
2015-05-12Movies at 60 Hz , how they do that?
2015-04-16How often do you replace your vacuum cleaner?
2015-03-23Ukeful things...
2015-01-07What other songs are like this song?