Which comments by rongorongo were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2022?

2022-12-15What is a good gift for someone traveling to Brazil?
2022-12-04Spanish-Language Media for Beginners
2022-11-30Christmas Carols I Might Not Know
2022-11-02People known by the definite article
2022-10-03Songs of '89
2022-08-23Replace an ageing desktop on a budget, UK version
2022-06-30Where to buy a sprouted coconut
2022-04-15Could this be the one upside of having Covid?
2022-02-21Name this classical/pops piece
2022-02-01It's Groundhog Day. Again.
2022-01-25Did Richard Feynman ever work for (or with) Apple?
2022-01-14France Travel Filter: Is renting an EV for vacation recommended?
2022-01-11France Travel Filter: Is renting an EV for vacation recommended?
2022-01-11France Travel Filter: Is renting an EV for vacation recommended?