Which comments by seanmpuckett were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2018?

2018-12-27How to deal with men's negative humor?
2018-12-16Pescatarian Keto... give me your best plans!
2018-12-03Gift recs to kit out a small travel trailer?
2018-11-29Ugh, you know what? F*ck pretty!!!
2018-11-26How do I make a name for myself as an artist?
2018-11-21Settling in on Crone Island
2018-11-17Graphic design for the cockeyed
2018-11-15Two Furminators for two cat hair lengths?
2018-11-14A photo printer that actually works—does this magical unicorn exist?
2018-11-05What helped you directly face a fear?
2018-10-25Baby, it's cold outside
2018-10-18What is it like to be cold?
2018-10-12Adulting 101: Step up from jeans and hoodies
2018-10-05What kind of wire is this, and where can I buy more?
2018-10-03Paint sprayer- Help me choose?
2018-09-27Ontario road trip - what should I see/do/eat? (especially in Toronto)
2018-09-25How to replicate these printed wood signs?
2018-09-15how to not overengineer woodworking projects
2018-09-11Leaving raw chicken out for 2 hours?
2018-08-29Mold in apartment
2018-08-28My teapot lid is cracked
2018-07-02Water condensing on pipes before reaching HVAC evaporator coils?
2018-06-17CatHairpocalypse. Going to die from Feline Lung soon. Send help.
2018-06-13A (slide) scanner easily
2018-05-29Boys to Men - Rites of passage from scratch?
2018-05-28 How to clean my floor (linoleum kitchen edition)
2018-05-22What does this symbol look like to you?
2018-05-22ISO easily digested resources for calling out an online misogynist?
2018-05-20How can I join the broken ends of a pond filter/pump hose?
2018-05-13Relationship troubles at a boiling point
2018-04-17Bespoke or stacking an enormous cabinet?
2018-04-09What kind of haircut do I want?