Which comments by iamkimiam were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2021?

2021-12-03Help me estimate how long it will take to develop a training?
2021-10-21Who is the Velvet Underground of today?
2021-10-06How do self-employed folks schedule work, rest, & everything else?
2021-09-16What role should I be in UX/UI design?
2021-09-06Best payment method for online group?
2021-09-03Functioning the day after interrupted sleep?
2021-08-30Duck Duck No?
2021-08-02How to not make the same mistakes at new job
2021-07-23I read or viewed personal development advice and now can't find it again
2021-06-24How should I go about making a difficult career decision?
2021-06-21How to become a person who just goes out and does things?
2021-05-12Words coined to be opposites of existing words
2021-03-19What is this old game that I barely remember?