Which comments by entropone were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2023?

2023-11-22NYC bagel delivery
2023-11-21What are your must try goodies from Iceland?
2023-11-13Is this behavior entitled or is it adjustment to disability?
2023-09-30Please help me record my guitar and voice.
2023-09-24How do I set a snare drum to play quarter notes in GarageBand?
2023-05-22song id, one lyric only
2023-04-23How to get from G major chord to G# diminished on acoustic guitar
2023-03-06How to you pick the best bike brand for you?
2023-03-04Don't Shoot the Messenger (Bag)
2023-02-16Non-ambient music for focusing
2023-02-09SciComm of the Future
2023-02-02Ideal job for the academic who doesn't want to work anymore