Which comments by elizardbits were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-30BookFilter: English fiction with lots of Spanish language elements
2013-12-26Hairstyles or other ideas for keeping sweat out of my hair?
2013-12-23Ok to eat? Spaghetti sauce question
2013-12-22Open in case of very small emergency.
2013-12-20Best way to approach a girl in a library?
2013-12-18What should I think about while jogging?
2013-12-15How to Handle Obnoxious, Intrusive Neighbor
2013-12-14Sedation effect from amitriptyline, does it fade?
2013-12-10 Taking frozen cookie dough on a cross country trip - bad idea?
2013-12-03Is there a way to fill my prescription (ADHD) without the usual hassle?
2013-11-22Help Me Find Some Giant-Sized Snacks!
2013-11-22Awkward neighbor
2013-11-18Why do Rx pain meds make me so mellow and sentimental?
2013-11-14Zap! Pow! Wizards grow up!
2013-11-08Buzz off - or not?
2013-10-31"Good ""owners manuals"" for new dog owners?"
2013-10-24I'm not on this diet to alienate you, I promise!
2013-10-19name that vulgar gesture
2013-10-13Help, I suffer from chronic bitchface
2013-10-09Why do electric fans lose their effectiveness?
2013-10-01Holiday recommendations for mixture of relaxation and culture
2013-09-29American Shibboleth
2013-09-14Should this cat-owning/trying-to-conceive couple get a dog? If yes, how?
2013-09-01Chalkboard-painting a stainless steel refrigerator: possible?
2013-08-07What's to like about having a fall birthday?
2013-08-07You're Most Certainly Not Getting a BB Gun, Ya Dope.
2013-07-31How should I feel the day after yoga?
2013-07-26Can you help me find a moisturizing body wash that actually moisturizes?
2013-07-22Running without turning into the wicked witch of the west
2013-07-19This is Our Emergency
2013-06-27Spraying/misting something in the walls = terrible idea?
2013-06-18am i obligated to invite a (horrible) mutual friend to a party?
2013-06-18Find me a San Francisco summer jacket!
2013-06-13Multi armed mythical humanoids
2013-06-12Pencil Sharpener Needs A Good Cleaning
2013-06-06I don't wish to melt
2013-06-05Am I normal? (poop filter)
2013-06-05Take me to your ivory tower.
2013-06-01How can I stop being so anxious about birthday parties?
2013-05-28It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
2013-05-28It's my party and I'll cry if I want to
2013-05-22Home Sales Party- How do I end this sales pitch?
2013-05-20Shoulder pain + yoga = ?
2013-05-18Habits of highly obnoxious tumblrs
2013-05-17Thinking inside the large heart-shaped candy box?
2013-05-16Can a Person Practice Dianetics and Not be a Scientologist?
2013-05-11What's this corset a knock-off of?
2013-05-09"How do I Awesomly ""wrap"" a birthday trip to NYC?"
2013-05-01Where should I live in New York?
2013-05-01The thing that I hate about you is everything.
2013-04-27My New iPod Needs a Name
2013-01-30No Audio Required
2013-01-30Can you convince me that chiropractors are real science?
2013-01-28I hope it's not dog cancer.
2013-01-27Tracking down stolen guns
2013-01-25Give me ammo for the next sexist conversation
2013-01-23Dance dance dance!
2013-01-22My couch got hit by a car. Now what?
2013-01-15How do I stop giving this high school bully space in my head?
2013-01-12Alternatives to shaving for pregnant ladies?
2013-01-04What good things come in little packages?
2013-01-04What good things come in little packages?
2013-01-04What good things come in little packages?
2013-01-02Hooking Up with Friends - An Beginner's Primer
2013-01-02American Tourist in Iran