Which comments by HotToddy were best answers in Ask MetaFilter from 2012-01-01 through now?

2023-12-18Cat burnout! Is a dog going to be easier?
2023-08-26Love’s austere and lonely offices
2023-08-11Did I handle this interaction with an unstable individual correctly?
2023-07-26Tell me about your experience delaying your period
2023-05-24Where can I get soft, small dates for an appetizer?
2023-05-06But for real this time: how did you start spending less time online?
2023-04-27my dog loves to tear up cardboard! what toy would be even better?
2023-03-27Dislocated finger
2023-03-07Renovate or Walk Away or. . . is there anything else?
2022-12-18Are there accessible careers that aren't stressful and that pay well?
2022-11-06Job search - business owned by Scientologist - run, or not?
2022-10-27Will essential oils go stale on my clothes?
2022-10-05Save My Cakes
2022-10-03Who wrote about disability benefits as our safety net
2022-09-15Rx meds for hot flashes
2022-09-12Thoughts/experience/research about PRP therapy vs knee replacement?
2022-09-08Upgraded Sewing Machine Help
2022-09-03Can I cut and bind this polystyrene mat without ruining it?
2022-07-18The semi-good kind of medical billing problem
2022-06-10Gifts that come in pairs
2022-05-20A skunk by any other name would still smell ... like what?
2022-05-06ghosting fury redux
2022-05-01I moved to Columbus, OH. And bought a house. It was a huge mistake.
2022-04-28Irriitable customer leaves me feeling a little bruised
2022-04-13Talk me out of buying this house?
2022-04-03How to move to a new neighborhood (kind of)
2022-03-22Quick bread recipe: ok to omit the olives?
2022-02-18Need to re-energize brain. How?
2022-01-07"Not ""never fear"" but want some limits"
2021-12-27Seeking strength training workout videos that are actually fun?
2021-12-18I’m having post engagement anxiety…
2021-12-15Should I feel guilty about my sister’s wedding 5 years ago?
2021-10-25your favorite inept aspiring writer is back...
2021-10-07Help - Neighbor’s laundry is gonna kill me
2021-09-12CBD & me
2021-08-26How to use up tomato paste?
2021-07-23I've had two shots (Moderna, in March) thought I was bulletproof. Nope.
2021-05-09On-Line Backgammon Games
2021-04-17Should I eat this: Bread Pudding Edition
2021-04-17My dog and baby rabbit. Help.
2021-04-04How much should I worry? Oven air in face/eyes.
2021-03-20Help with a doggy “toddler tantrum”
2021-03-20Help with a doggy “toddler tantrum”
2021-03-15Name change to a chosen last name - anecdotal experiences?
2021-03-04Hope me choose front doorknob finish
2021-03-02It rubs the lotion on its skin...
2021-02-20Learning to adult in middle age
2021-01-11Help me be paranoid in the right direction
2021-01-07What are some things that make you laugh every time you think of them?
2020-11-30Rotator cuff surgery - Help me level-set
2020-11-29Rotator cuff surgery - Help me level-set
2020-11-23Buy or make Queen’s Gambit tee?
2020-11-16Fine cracks in new caulk
2020-11-13Can I Eat This? My turn!
2020-11-11I think I hate Nature's Miracle
2020-11-09Got any hot drinks you enjoy with salty snacks?
2020-09-12How Does One Know They're Finished When Using a Bidet?
2020-08-25Removing dog urine smell from tile grout
2020-07-21Ok, I give up
2020-07-13What heater should I buy for my deck?
2020-06-24Need to change my attitude about sleep + dealing with injury
2020-06-14Is it safe to camp in a camping cabin in a county park?
2020-05-27how i learned to stop worrying and enjoy cooking
2020-05-25how i learned to stop worrying and enjoy cooking
2020-04-20Cat poop in the pansies.
2020-04-08Hack half a screen door/pet gate?
2020-04-08Hack half a screen door/pet gate?
2020-04-03Online Business
2020-03-29Examples of stories where an outcast's skills save the day
2020-03-17"Food storage: the mythical ""cool, dark place"""
2019-12-19Seeking Souperlative Sprinkles
2019-12-02Doggo or Pupper
2019-11-27Preparing Pretty Pie Crusts
2019-11-14odd? traffic ticket in SC
2019-11-04How often should I clean my rice cooker?
2019-10-22Is a gas line partially outside the house okay to feed a fireplace?
2019-06-22Road trip relationship crisis
2019-04-10Wedding-Industrial-Complex-filter: videographer
2019-04-04How were you shown you were loved as a kid?
2019-04-03How were you shown you were loved as a kid?
2019-03-16Using bedrest for the best (face, hair, stress...)
2019-01-16I’m a lark, but I just can’t get up; how can I decrease my sluggishness?
2018-12-27all I want to do is broil a damned cauliflower gratin, why is this hard
2018-12-22Meeting daughter's partner first time xmas
2018-12-11Bitter Tea
2018-12-10Would you eat this?
2018-11-21Settling in on Crone Island
2018-10-23What questions help you with organizing and decluttering?
2018-10-18Left Tabbouleh out overnight - is it still safe?
2018-10-03People who never use the internet: why/how?
2018-08-31Help me choose a handy household hobby
2018-07-26Physical expressions of affection, pls
2018-07-13What else can I clean?
2018-07-13What else can I clean?
2018-04-03The touch, the feel, the forgotten: where can I buy non-stretch pants?
2018-04-01Christmas in Spring
2018-03-31Cat Dentalfilter
2018-02-23BFF's dog died in tragic accident; how to best show sympathy/support?
2018-02-05Creme Less-than-Fraiche?
2018-02-02"What's vegetarian for ""This is a special family celebration?"""
2018-01-17Research on controlling sexual desire
2018-01-03Help finding easy dress patterns for older kids
2017-12-28Why do my bathroom sinks clog so often?
2017-11-13Can Sinuses Be Damaged by Prolonged Exposure to Urine/Diaper Odor?
2017-10-27A hands-free doggie poop bag solution?
2017-09-20When would it be possible to completely lose a sense of rhythm?
2017-09-06How to grind pepper?
2017-07-02(Re)learn to sew?
2017-06-29Smelly hair
2017-06-11Help: Sewing Pattern for Specific Jumper?
2017-05-21Host sweet host
2017-05-07Walk the walk
2016-12-24Go or no?
2016-12-01One Perfectionist with an Instant Pot
2016-11-13Help Me Fit in at the Gun Range
2016-08-30Bed Sheets: Amazon Prime Edition
2016-08-30Bed Sheets: Amazon Prime Edition
2016-03-30How do you make a splendid cup of tea?
2016-02-11No-knead for flavor?
2016-02-08how do i transport my cat from nyc to montreal?
2016-01-29Dogs that go Yap in the night
2016-01-21Best route from Billings to Bellingham
2015-11-02I failed at being an MRI patient. What now?
2015-10-18Alton Brown's sardine and avocado toast, please, but hold the toast.
2015-10-04Baa baa, black sheep have you any, wait, what is it that I need?
2015-09-18Detergent that doesn't smell like cat pee? (I'm looking at you, Tide)
2015-09-17Name a new kitty!
2015-08-22"""Not technically supposed to do this, but..."" scam?"
2015-08-10I am surrounded by childfree couples. How do I announce my pregnancy?
2015-07-20Emotional Labor Checklist/Self-Assessment
2015-07-20Emotional Labor Checklist/Self-Assessment
2015-07-20Emotional Labor Checklist/Self-Assessment
2014-12-22What the hell is this thing on my eyelid?
2014-05-27HOT PUPPY
2014-05-15The Aging, Arthritic Dog: What's next?
2014-05-03I solemnly swear it's not a knitted jumper again!
2014-04-09New pleasure. New pleasure. Eating!
2014-04-03I'm sure the space needle is great, but...
2014-03-22Vintage tile repair
2014-03-20Tips for storing meals of perishable food portably and safely
2014-03-19"Generally speaking, how bad of an idea is it to go ""car camping"" alone? "
2014-03-18In search of the perfect purse-backpack
2014-03-14I don't want the funk. I don't have to have the funk.
2014-03-04Too cheap for the yoga life
2014-02-17wanted: cat. not wanted: lifetime poop-scooping duty
2014-01-31do lip balms go bad?
2014-01-30Essential stuff to have on hand for puppy/dog parents, beyond the basics
2014-01-30Are there any animals which procrastinate?
2014-01-13Help me name my new boat.
2014-01-08The perfect knit hat
2014-01-05Anybody deeply fond of their flotation belt?
2013-12-18How to make each gift count at Christmas
2013-12-10So apparently my family is publicly bragging about our child abuse now?
2013-12-01Also I will send toothpicks
2013-11-29How much do you spend on food in a month?
2013-11-15I need an excellent Thanksgiving dessert!
2013-10-13New Shimmer is a dessert topping AND a floor wax!
2013-10-10Trailer brake controller
2013-10-08Smartphones for couples - same OS?
2013-09-28Old-Style Q-Tip Equivalent
2013-08-29Make-ahead freezer blueberry pie
2013-08-02Breaking up; who should get the dog?
2013-07-24What kind of doctor do I need to see for my knee/hip pain?
2013-06-27It looks nice, but....
2013-06-24Help me find more personal anthems
2013-05-06"When do you become ""the neighbor with the barking dog""?"
2013-04-01Vegetarians- Apparently not the most creative bunch?
2013-02-26WHAT on EARTH is our dog doing??
2013-01-19I've gotten along ok without caffeine. Would I get along better with it?
2013-01-10Barack Obama Dance Party! Jan 21st, Washington DC!
2013-01-10Barack Obama Dance Party! Jan 21st, Washington DC!
2012-12-27Table. Keyboard Tray. Ergonomic.
2012-12-25Dinner for 6 - desperately need inspiration
2012-12-04How to take the drama out of bedtime.
2012-11-11Flipping the script
2012-08-14Help me keep my SmartyPants image shiny.
2012-08-08Healthy, ethical, sustainable dog food?
2012-07-31Jumping back in
2012-07-17What do I need to ask about skin cancer surgery?
2012-07-17What do I need to ask about skin cancer surgery?
2012-05-23Is it my arthritis or doctor insanity?
2012-05-18Do we have to smell that smell?
2012-05-17induction cooktops
2012-04-13Is My Dog an Addict?
2012-04-12The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.
2012-02-19why can't i pull both my knees to my chest?
2012-01-10Alternative to clipping dogs' nails?