Which comments by PhoBWanKenobi were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2012?

2012-12-28Details, details, details...and then BAM!
2012-12-28Details, details, details...and then BAM!
2012-12-26What is a realistic path to becoming a published SF author?
2012-12-24John, Jim, George and Ringo!
2012-12-22How did *Ulysses*' Ithaca episode strike you?
2012-12-17What's Ayahuasca Done For You?
2012-12-07Am I starving my cat?
2012-12-04Does the world need to hear my very special story?
2012-11-27Strict dad or easy-going dad?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?
2012-11-21Invented language vs. familiar words in fiction?
2012-11-11Flipping the script
2012-10-25Turns out they were novellas.
2012-10-23Unless guys are all dunderheads, I should be able to ask them out, right? Or not?
2012-10-22How To Use this Big Change/Trip in My Life To Practise Social Skills/Build More Intimate Relationships?
2012-10-21How do you get over all the reasons not to make things?
2012-10-18Help ID women's boots
2012-10-10Need examples of textual graphics
2012-10-10Need examples of textual graphics
2012-10-10Sick Kitty
2012-10-09With this BBQ I thee wed...
2012-09-28the reading rainbow
2012-09-28the reading rainbow
2012-09-26My worst nightmare in high school was becoming a soccer mom someday
2012-09-26Picture Book Publishing 101
2012-09-13to join or not to join?
2012-09-07Hudson River valley travel help
2012-09-06"""At first I was worried about trapping you in a sexless marriage, but now it feels like I might be trapped in one."""
2012-08-28oh no no bo bo!
2012-08-18She won't eat green eggs and ham.
2012-08-15Book People: what are the best resources to hear about new books?
2012-08-02"""Children almost always hang onto things tighter than their parents think they will."" Right? RIGHT?! "
2012-07-29It was a dark and stormy night...
2012-07-25Sci-fi about ancient aliens/technolgy for a 14-year-old?
2012-07-24should he stay or should he go?
2012-07-24Has the world changed much since the 1980s?
2012-07-12Buying a good theme
2012-07-12Is love worth the risk?
2012-07-07What was time apart from your significant other like for you?
2012-06-27Game of Thrones is Getting Me Down
2012-06-27Details on Sandy Hook, NJ?
2012-06-23What would it really be like to build a space colony?
2012-06-19Can this book be saved?
2012-06-13Horses for courses... UK vs US English?
2012-06-11Help me help an eleven-year-old find her own normal.
2012-06-11Help me help an eleven-year-old find her own normal.
2012-06-09What hatched from this thing's belly button?
2012-05-29Sign here please.
2012-05-28How to lose weight when you're already healthy?
2012-05-26Where can I find these frames?
2012-05-21Cat boner-farts
2012-05-14Cabin in the Woods question.
2012-05-08"I love the way you say ""diegesis"""
2012-05-01Birthday party planning advice needed
2012-04-23Give me something to read, please!
2012-04-17Morbid in Margaritaville
2012-04-02Creative Mac-type desperate to become productive drone
2012-03-19How do MA students live?
2012-03-18Two People. Sharing.
2012-03-15How can I move forward without holding him back?
2012-02-27Analytical relationship advice books without esotericism?
2012-02-15How do I ask him to try again?
2012-01-22Remember an early 2000s blog called Greybox or Greysquare?
2012-01-22Remember an early 2000s blog called Greybox or Greysquare?
2012-01-22Should I let my boyfriend sleep with other women?
2012-01-16Video Blogs for Teens
2012-01-11don't let the water lice bite
2012-01-03help with son who has school refusal