Which comments by PhoBWanKenobi were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2017?

2017-12-31How to not ANGRY at mildly wrong spouse?
2017-12-19I need a fluffy hug of a book
2017-11-17Can you re-mineralize/grow/repair your tooth enamel?
2017-11-02Babies and Multitasking
2017-10-14What do I do with an enormous wooden cradle?
2017-09-02What is worth paying a *little* more for?
2017-08-28Where to live in the NE US?
2017-05-25Should I see a doc for this sprain? Is there a Betteridge's law of Ask?
2017-04-04Bed frame w middle support: will it wreck all mattresses?
2017-03-27Is it possible to cut off just *one* toxic family member?
2017-02-25Raising a child who has lost a parent
2017-02-11How do I get ready to play video games with my kid?
2017-02-07Places with four distinct seasons?
2017-02-04Help me dress like a primary school art teacher! [UK filter]
2017-01-16Easing a difficult childcare transition: help!
2017-01-09The revolution will be sung, not televised
2017-01-05Would you eat it: gelatinous bone broth soup?