Which comments by Room 641-A were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-07Postural problems; should I be forcing my shoulders back or not?
2013-12-04Where in Los Angeles can I go to try wine and cheese pairings?
2013-11-14Kit me out in Union/Hippy/Socialist/Anarchist/Morals Friendly Clothing
2013-10-24Japanese (and Korean?) Home Cooking Techniques
2013-10-17Help me find a new perfect purse!
2013-10-06Short people need jeans, too!
2013-09-29Cardigan--too tiny?
2013-09-27What is the ideal age gap in heterosexual relationships?
2013-09-22Looking for bifteki (hamburger) and other Greek recipes
2013-09-19No one walks in L.A.
2013-08-28Can I look and feel fabulous in 24 hours?
2013-08-28How do I deal with men mansplaining my emotions or ideas?
2013-08-19I feel pretty... hideous
2013-08-18Best Caesar Salad Dressing
2013-08-14Flor tiles on stairs. Bad idea?
2013-07-15The ultimate carrying-wheeled-backpacky thing
2013-06-17Does Breaking Bad get better?
2013-05-30Movies Filmed Where I've Lived
2013-05-30Jughead would know
2013-05-30Buying Japanese snacks online from the US
2013-05-26Why don't I like Arrested Development? Should I try harder?
2013-05-18How should I approach complaining about noise from a new bar?
2013-05-11Brainstorming book-themed cupcakes
2013-04-14New dog has lost her potty training. Help!
2013-04-05Anyone Remember Dorman's Endico Cheese? Got A/V From Their TV Ads?
2013-03-07Curly hair ideas
2013-02-18What are the best things to order at bad chain restaurants?
2013-02-15Paranormal documentaries
2013-02-10Appropriate discipline, boundaries for a 14-year-old
2013-02-10I will not render unto Caesar
2013-02-09Tinker Tailer Soldier ... Poor Man
2013-02-08How on earth do you stick to a diet?
2013-02-02Nasty brands. Name them for me.
2013-02-01Nasty brands. Name them for me.
2013-01-30Your favourite clever pop culture sites/podcasts/lectures
2013-01-20Sports metaphors for the unsporty
2013-01-16Who's the Jamie Oliver of vegetarian cooking?