Which comments by kat518 were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-18What should I think about while jogging?
2013-12-16Let's get physical...I wanna get physical...
2013-12-03Is there a way to fill my prescription (ADHD) without the usual hassle?
2013-12-03Documentaries about Africa
2013-11-21Moving to the Washington DC area
2013-11-09Thinking of becoming a physician starting at age 39?
2013-11-06"""Fake it till you make it,"" but how, exactly?"
2013-10-22Women's loose/flowing tank tops needed!
2013-09-26What was it like to be in college on 9/11/2001?
2013-08-22What should I do next week in NYC?
2013-07-06Seriously designers, do sleeves really cost that much?
2013-06-17Under the knife worries
2013-06-17403(b), TIAA-CREF v. Fidelity, WTF?
2013-06-04I'm new to depression. Please help.
2013-05-21Help me stay awake.
2013-05-21Hermione Granger Problems...
2013-04-25Help me find more skirts like my favorite! Snowflakes inside...
2013-04-22Where to travel in December?
2013-04-01F*ck you, cancer (but how?)
2013-03-23How to wear dresses without being dressy?
2013-03-16How do I kick him out of my head once and for all?
2013-03-13How can I move forward with having a second child when I don't want to?
2013-02-25Does the world need another web developer?
2013-02-24Subletting dispute: what are my options?
2013-02-04Should I find an apartment without seeing it in person?
2013-01-23Can't take the cold Northeast and wonder if Charleston would work?
2013-01-05Bad semester, discouraging. How to bounce back?