Which comments by julthumbscrew were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-23Quarter-page sheet protectors
2013-12-18What are the jazz standards of your kitchen?
2013-12-05Not quite a perinatologist - high risk neuro-pregnancy speciality?
2013-12-04Looking for party/finger-food recipes that use eggs
2013-12-03New relationship - advice on meeting her child for the first time?
2013-12-03A Job Offer with a Fee?
2013-11-30can I eat this, butter edition
2013-11-27How to manage bloating? Halp
2013-11-13Gluten allergies must be made up
2013-11-1223andMe for Jewish Genetic Testing
2013-11-11Help for jaw neuralgia?
2013-11-07Looking for vegetable recipes to go with tacos
2013-11-05Help us up our taco game!
2013-11-05No tagging allowed
2013-11-04Toddler hunger strike
2013-10-28Can you figure out why my car is slow to start in the mornings?
2013-10-26Looking for an upbeat but melancholic song for a crush who's gone
2013-10-25A comprehensive source for buying things sweetened with aspartame alone?
2013-10-24Your best oatmeal bar recipe, please
2013-10-24What should go in my mini-inventor's box?
2013-10-23well, hell
2013-10-22Food stylists, halp! Difficulty: truffle.
2013-10-22I wanna do bad things with you.
2013-10-22well, hell
2013-08-13Lost at the Canadian Border?
2013-07-01YANMD but do I have gestational diabetes
2013-06-24I want to read things that squick me out, but are still well written.
2013-06-21I want to read things that squick me out, but are still well written.
2013-06-19Looking for a high-end men's keyring.
2013-06-19The Musical Fruit?
2013-03-26Other than poison or illegal drugs, what can I put in a poison ring?
2013-03-26Other than poison or illegal drugs, what can I put in a poison ring?
2013-03-21What's strong enough for a man, but made for a .... dishwasher?
2013-03-11How can I soothe/remoisturizing the irritated skin on my face?
2013-03-08Help me identify this Merrell bag.
2013-03-07How do I bring my too-smart-for-his-own-britches down to my level?
2013-03-05Looking for a Vegan 101 Grocery List
2013-02-05Where to go on a first date in Pittsburgh?
2013-02-01Is there a good way to respond to assumers as opposed to questioners?
2013-01-30Can you convince me that chiropractors are real science?