Which comments by jbenben were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2013?

2013-12-31Turkey Timing
2013-12-29Should I cut off contact with parents who have dysfunctional marriage?
2013-12-21Feel good movies and TV shows.
2013-12-19Low-care pet?
2013-12-15How to Handle Obnoxious, Intrusive Neighbor
2013-12-13The ex is reaching out...
2013-12-10So apparently my family is publicly bragging about our child abuse now?
2013-12-10Can I get sued in civil court if plaintiff is in a different state?
2013-11-11Surprise! I'm moving out!
2013-11-10Boyfriend takes pictures of neighbor
2013-11-08[Traffic] Driving on 95 on X-Mas & New Year's Day DC-BOS-DC: Bad idea?
2013-11-04Should I continue seeing this guy who is in an open relationship?
2013-11-01My future just doesn't fit anymore
2013-11-01My future just doesn't fit anymore
2013-10-23Does Lodge go the distance?
2013-10-14Birds! What are they good for?
2013-10-12Can I make a gluten free orzo analogue by pummeling other gf pasta
2013-09-29What chocolate brand do you recommend, hopefully available online?
2013-09-17Will my boyfriend's lack of rental history make cohabitation difficult?
2013-09-15A body therapist for the mind
2013-09-14Should this cat-owning/trying-to-conceive couple get a dog? If yes, how?
2013-09-14Why can't my cat stand up
2013-09-05Selling my car without getting any money.. How to protect myself?
2013-08-23Watch your step.
2013-08-19Am I being scammed?
2013-08-13New landlord by inheritance, lost and frustrated
2013-07-19I'd like a quippy comeback / response...
2013-07-10Need support for emotional aftermath of leaving an abusive relationship
2013-06-28How can I deal with a hostile coworker in a professional setting?
2013-06-28Coworker is not taking constructive criticism well
2013-06-25What should I do to protect my neck during this roommate situation?
2013-06-15My ex-friend won't accept that I don't want to contact her. What now?
2013-06-14My ex-friend won't accept that I don't want to contact her. What now?
2013-06-14My ex-friend won't accept that I don't want to contact her. What now?
2013-06-14My ex-friend won't accept that I don't want to contact her. What now?
2013-05-29Where can I buy Cafe Du Monde coffee in Los Angeles?
2013-05-28Huge misunderstanding with casual friend now an incredible mess.
2013-05-23Nice (girls) finish last
2013-05-22Home Sales Party- How do I end this sales pitch?
2013-05-17Thinking inside the large heart-shaped candy box?
2013-05-17How should I approach complaining about noise from a new bar?
2013-05-11I'm a lesbian crushing on a man. What now?
2013-04-06Am I about to doom myself by not using sodium nitrite in my bacon cure?
2013-03-15We was robbed.
2013-03-13I'll just start sleeping with my shotgun then...
2013-03-13I'll just start sleeping with my shotgun then...
2013-03-12Relationship fallout. Its like high school all over again.
2013-03-03How much is too much sleep - for people who don't sleep much?
2013-02-23Is reduction of rent warranted in this situation? If yes, how to proceed
2013-02-14Boyfriend hates Valentine's Day
2013-02-13Can I keep a plant in my car?
2013-02-12All I got was his phone number-- how to thank him?
2013-02-09Regular bowel movements and my lack thereof?
2013-02-08Help us eat healthy and save money with an infant
2013-02-08Why are leafy greens (kale, spinach, et. al) so often oversalted?
2013-02-08Why are leafy greens (kale, spinach, et. al) so often oversalted?
2013-02-04I thought the hard part was over...
2013-02-04Friendships after relationships
2013-02-04Should I find an apartment without seeing it in person?
2013-02-04Should I find an apartment without seeing it in person?
2013-02-04Accidental polyamory: is this how it's supposed to work?
2013-02-02Am I wrong for getting a bad feeling about my boyfriend's dating coach?
2013-02-02Am I wrong for getting a bad feeling about my boyfriend's dating coach?
2013-02-01Should I tear out the walls and start over?
2013-01-24Recommend Fiction Books for 8-yr old. As usual, special details inside
2013-01-22My couch got hit by a car. Now what?
2013-01-22My couch got hit by a car. Now what?
2013-01-15Name that movie!
2013-01-09Ugh...friend, more than a friend, not a friend? So confused!
2013-01-02Interesting scifi / glam rock makeup looks?