Which comments by melissasaurus were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2014?

2014-12-29Stop the madness! Reducing work emails I don't need.
2014-12-27By what law are the parents of Caitlyn Ricci forced to pay her tuition?
2014-12-12Unique gift/book stores in NYC along the lines of Kinokunya
2014-12-12Manhattan on 12/26?
2014-12-12You're Not The Boss Of Me
2014-11-25Tamer games for the PS3
2014-11-20Help me name my knitting blog
2014-11-20Getting hold of Scandinavian almond potatoes — or a similar variety?
2014-11-20Getting hold of Scandinavian almond potatoes — or a similar variety?
2014-11-20Reading recommendations for someone who wants healthier relationships?
2014-11-18Do I need a lawyer or a CPA or a ???
2014-11-18Do I need a lawyer or a CPA or a ???
2014-11-17The Spice Must Flow ( and hopefully season something tasty)
2014-11-03Relocation Research: Tips, tricks and resources, please!
2014-10-28Credit impacts of renting a second apartment in another state
2014-10-28Why do I have to get semi-naked to see a doctor?
2014-10-27Please help me stop talking like a female chauvinist sow.
2014-10-08Someone's Buying Me a New Car...Right?!
2014-10-08My, that's a large apple you have there...
2014-10-07Shaving cream for delicate, sensitive, lady parts?
2014-10-07New York City Eating All the Things Filter
2014-10-07New York City Eating All the Things Filter
2014-09-11Can you name some international careers, please?
2014-08-27Matching spray paint to paint-paint
2014-08-22Third hand smoke. How big of a deal is it?
2014-08-19What are the best cities in the world for walking, arting, and eating?
2014-08-08We need help with these bizarre insurance questions.
2014-08-08What do I Owe you?
2014-08-08Grown-up looking small, tight, hair clips
2014-08-05LLC vs S-Corp in New York State
2014-07-30How do you measure your bra size in 2014?
2014-07-30How do you measure your bra size in 2014?
2014-07-24Buying sports bras in Ottawa and Montreal
2014-07-18Indoor couch to outdoor dog couch
2014-07-16Need a visa medical form signed ASAP!
2014-07-16Can my employer make me work for free for past Metrocards? [NYC-Filter]
2014-07-14I'm sorry, I can't help you.
2014-07-13Where to buy Mexican Coke & 7-Up UWS - Harlem NYC
2014-07-10What to do in life before getting pregnant in a year or two.
2014-07-10Where to buy Mexican Coke & 7-Up UWS - Harlem NYC
2014-07-03If this is Armour bacon I'm going to the Food Network!
2014-07-01U(ltra expensive)-Pack
2014-06-26German House Party Etiquette
2014-06-24Inviting only *some* family to our wedding?
2014-06-21Quiet location to study in NYC where it's not too cold
2014-06-19Small home office design
2014-06-11Do you have any suggestions for non-seasonal apartment door decor?
2014-06-10Please help me buy my first car! Snowflakey details inside.
2014-05-24Help me help my very pregnant sister through a tough situation! (DC/MD)
2014-05-23How do I get my own life
2014-05-22Volunteer opportunities for teenagers
2014-05-20Art Supply Experts: Drawing Grid Needed
2014-05-15How does a dual US/EU citizen travel legally with just a US passport?
2014-05-08Please help me find the perfect doormat.
2014-05-04I want to move to NYC.
2014-05-02Rules for dating: 1...
2014-04-30Cabbing it in Jersey without cash
2014-04-29Can I get 1 month of short term health insurance for May in NY state?
2014-04-25Question about Gift Tax
2014-04-10My dad the penny pincher
2014-04-09Crazy worry Wart Dad needs advice for kids
2014-04-08What noises are my downstairs neighbor hearing?
2014-04-02Last minute group dining in nyc?
2014-04-01Where can I buy Coors Banquet Beer in NYC?
2014-03-21Blogs/sites/shops for 50s-ish style? General advice on dressing well?
2014-03-18Tax me
2014-02-19Perfect Roast Chicken With Vegetables
2014-02-18Incorporate an online-based business in New York or Pennsylvania
2014-02-13On my way to New York City this weekend - packing advice for COLD?
2014-01-30Landlord changing building locks and I can't get the key
2014-01-23Help me legally and ethically adopt my dog from a crazy LA rescue org.
2014-01-23Help me legally and ethically adopt my dog from a crazy LA rescue org.
2014-01-22Getting reimbursed for taxes from job-related tuition benefits
2014-01-15What's the best way to spend $6000 on preschool for this kid?
2014-01-15Health insurance options for entrepreneurs?
2014-01-07Chicagofilter: guesthouses or inexpensive lodging options in Hyde Park?
2014-01-06SO's Sick mother- not sure how to deal with her asking my SO to move in
2014-01-05What are obnoxiously fancy things to do in NYC?