Which comments by tel3path were best answers in Ask MetaFilter during 2012?

2012-12-30What are the best books and websites for identifying and dating vintage clothing?
2012-12-29Fashion change
2012-12-29How to deal with jealousy in a productive manner
2012-12-24"Just call me ""Blister Sister"""
2012-12-22Is this a re-bound cat?
2012-11-19Need a new brain-mechanic.
2012-11-11Mod Me!
2012-11-07"A frumpy ""Devil Wears Prada"""
2012-10-31Is he flirting? Trying to get my attention?
2012-10-25I'm Dating Jerry Seinfeld's Bitter, Bitter Twin
2012-10-24Please help me to see if I'm overreacting or not...
2012-10-21Feeling lost in my life. What do I do? *Que the snowflake*
2012-10-21"How do I get my friend to stop ""joking"" about things that aren't funny?"
2012-10-12How to deal with a hopeless dreamer?
2012-10-01Maintaining Inner and Outer Beauty : How Have You Women (&Men!) Done It Over The Years?
2012-09-25I'm thinking of breaking up with you because you're depressed. Yes, I am just that awful.
2012-09-12Help me stop being mean.
2012-09-04The woods are lovely, dark and deep
2012-08-26Will I ever trust him again?
2012-08-24Will I ever trust him again?
2012-08-11Has Santorum ruined the sweater vest?
2012-07-26Kicked out of my tribe
2012-07-25I want to understand these Spanish lyrics
2012-07-25I want to understand these Spanish lyrics
2012-07-18Learning how to swim! As an adult.
2012-07-16He's my boy.
2012-07-08Am I being too judgy?
2012-07-02Can you really be friends with a polyamorous and flirtatious ex?
2012-06-24When does cruelty become pathology?
2012-06-23When does cruelty become pathology?
2012-06-22What would it really be like to build a space colony?
2012-06-20'cause i'm mr brightside
2012-06-07Russian Language - Can You Help?
2012-06-07Russian Language - Can You Help?
2012-05-31Memorize 4500 words in eight days?
2012-05-29Is closure/ friendship still possible or a good idea?
2012-05-29Is closure/ friendship still possible or a good idea?
2012-05-16I don't want to be a psycho bride to be
2012-04-27Maybe they have granted my every wish
2012-04-17please help me fix my hair!
2012-04-16please help me fix my hair!
2012-04-12The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.
2012-04-10Should I help out a company that treated me very badly in the past?
2012-04-10Should I help out a company that treated me very badly in the past?
2012-04-04when is it OK to forgive someone for their mistakes?
2012-04-01Is love enough?
2012-03-28Can this be done?
2012-03-24Am I overreacting or righfully irritated?
2012-03-22What the heck is this?
2012-03-22Why is my ex (who dumped me) still contacting me a year later?
2012-03-20How do I accept my mother's behavior?
2012-02-26I wrote this while sitting on my thumbs
2012-02-17Being a Type B personality sucks.
2012-02-17Being a Type B personality sucks.
2012-02-08I feel like a boy crazy middle schooler all over again
2012-02-07How do I get over my sensitivity to people's tics?
2012-01-24how is shoes work
2012-01-23[Anger related issue filter] Do I need a tougher outer shell, or should I be bothered by this?
2012-01-22Should I let my boyfriend sleep with other women?
2012-01-17What's the universal self-description?
2012-01-13Wedding etiquette regarding invites and rsvp
2012-01-06Game on.