Which comments by y2karl were favorited by zachlipton in MetaFilter?

2016-12-14You can’t count votes that never got a chance to be cast
2016-11-25Our first Magic 8-Ball president.
2016-11-25I still wake up and remember who is the President-elect
2016-10-09[ELECTION 2016] ♪♫ He’s never gon' be President now... ♪♫
2016-07-20Jefferson has beliefs. Burr has none. (RNC, Day 2)
2016-07-05The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-06-29The campaign lurches into the summer
2016-05-31Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-31Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2016-05-25Nothing is certain, except death and taxes and a US election campaign.
2011-06-17Have we reached the era of the post-ironic riot?