Which comments by y2karl were favorited by bakerina in MetaFilter?

2016-11-25Our first Magic 8-Ball president.
2016-10-22Alexander Hamilton's beany guacamole dip: 18 days to go
2016-10-17The disrespect of our ambitions and intellect
2016-10-13My saying is: We win and lose together
2016-10-10♪♫ Don’t modulate the key then not debate with me!
2016-10-05Send in your seconds, see if they can set the record straight
2016-04-20Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20
2016-02-13Peyton Manning’s squeaky-clean image was built on lies
2016-01-08Yowza yowza yowza
2015-12-07I'll do this until the election.
2015-10-03I Missed You in the Rain
2014-09-05I might as well call this “Don’t Read This Article”
2012-12-10"Gene Weingarten: ""Since 1979, Brian Murtagh has fought to keep convicted murderer Jeffrey MacDonald in prison"""
2012-03-09He had a balcony you could do Shakespeare off of.
2012-01-16Debora Iyall on Native America Calling